不同性別背後所隱含的不同社會期待,與現代兩性平等觀念的交互衝突下,其有可能在職場展現出的一種選擇上的衝突。然而,個體在選擇職業之時,其背後的選擇依據為何,這樣的選擇是否是一種「理性選擇」呢?依據Bourdieu的再製理論的架構下來看,性別認同似乎就是一項足以影響行動個體的實作的一項習性,而性別認同本身也正是一種由客觀社會結構所內化的習性的構成。這種習性對實作也起著導引的作用,即實作是透過習性將結構的規律、約束等進行再製的過程,經由實作作為這種過程的體現,客觀結構之中的這些規律、期望與社會要求可能將得到再製。 作者使用歷年來行政院主計處所發行的人力資源調查統計年報(1978~2005),在職業分類的處理上,則主要以「中華民國職業標準分類」大類所訂定的七項標準分類。並依照年齡別與地區別的區分作為分層單位,進行相異指數與樣本數標準化的相異指數的計算,並探討其背後可能導致職業性別區隔現象存在的可能原因。 但從分析結果看來,臺灣地區近三十年來職業性別區隔有越趨嚴重的現象。其中,青壯年勞動人口的職業性別區隔要比中老年勞動人口來的嚴重;非鄉鎮地區的職業性別區隔也比鄉鎮地區來的嚴重。但總體來說,皆於近幾年來開始出現緩慢下降的趨勢。關鍵字:性別、再製理論、職業性別區隔、相異指數 We have different social expectations on men and women. The conflicts of social expectations and the current concept of sex equality will make simple choices complicated. Why did they make the choices? Were the choices really “rational”? According to the “reproduction theory” of Bourdieu, the sex identification seems like a habitus which affects the actor’s action, and the habitus would lead to the practice. Because of the habitus would re-produce the order and restraint of the social structure, and affect the practice to re-produce the social structure. In this research, I use the “human resource survey” data collected by Taiwan Government from 1978 to 2005. In the occupational classification, we use “the standard occupational classification in Taiwan”. Then, we divide the data by age and area, and to calculate the “index of dissimilarity” and “size-standardized index of dissimilarity” to discuss the possible reasons. The empirical analysis indicate that the gendered occupational segregation has become more serious. Specifically, the segregation for young cohorts are more serious than older ones; the segregation in city area are more serious than others. Key words: gender, reproduction theory, occupational segregation, index of dissimilarity.