本論文主要是探討台灣地區開業建築師為首之潘冀聯合建築師事務所,經營成功案例之研究。本研究旨在探討其經營管理及領導特質之成功傳承經驗,作為準備開業或開業建築師之執業參考。經兩次親自訪談潘冀建築師後,本人盼能深入了解其經營管理事務所獨特之處,並建構實踐成功之學習參考模式,期貢獻基本實務性之研究探尋,包括建築師事務所經營者理念與角色、經營型態、外部服務業管理及內部人力結構規劃,另包含從領導者特質之分析來探討領導特質對經營建築師事務所成功之影響。本研究目的旨在能深刻體會其經營之奧妙,更期盼藉企業經營管理之知識,融入生活化之人生體驗,把握住每天持續學習及獲得生活的技能,以求達到日日進步。 關鍵詞: 1.領導特質 2.經營管理 3.服務業管理 This thesis is a case study on J.J.PAN&PARTNERS, an architecture firm that is considered one of the most successful ones in Taiwan. The primary goal of this research is to examine the successful pass-down of management and leadership characteristics, which can serve as an example for future firms or firms in practice. With two in-depth interviews with Mr. Pan, the author expected to find the uniqueness of Pan’s management in order to build a learning model as a practical research and a reference for business operation as well. The model includes the creed and role of the top managers/owners, business models, external service management, and internal human resource management. Specifically, the model aims to depict the relationships between leadership characteristics and their impacts on the management in architecture firms.This author expects to grasp the essence of Pan’ management and to integrate the experiences and knowledge learned from J.J.PAN & PARTNERS into the author’s daily business practices. In doing so, the author could set the goal for continuing learning, life skill acquirement, and daily improvement. Key words: 1.leadership characteristics 2.C3.service management