專案排程方法自CPM與PERT,以網狀圖技術為基礎而開始發展至今,已有近四十年 的歷史;但是,專案排程所要求的複雜度愈來愈高,不僅需要考慮各活動之間的前、後置關 係,而且還要同時考慮專案中資源、活動與整體專案的各種時間與成本限制,以網狀圖技術 為基礎而發展的各種專案排程方法,已漸感不勝負荷。如何尋求其它的基本技術與工具,而 能快速而有效地解決專案排程中,各種複雜的環境所產生的問題,已成為一項刻不容緩的課 題。 本文針對以上問題,提出以分佈圖為基礎,由專案排程中,活動資源的替換損益成本與使用 期間為基準,發展出一套可替換的資源排程法則,以求取專案的最佳排程,並能於短時間內 系統化檢視、運用閒置的資源,以降低專案的期間與成本,且可避免人為或環境的因素所產 生的誤差。 It has been nearly forty years since the project scheduling methods such as CPM and PERT developed, which are based on graph technique. However, situations for project scheduling are much more complex than before. It is required to consider not only the precedence relationship among activities, but also the constraints on duration and cost of project resources and activities as well. For times it becomes an important issue to search for other techniques to solve the scheduling problems due to the complex environment. Considering the above difficulty, this research will propose a heuristic method for project scheduling problems with replaceable resources basing on distribution diagram. The algorithm that is derived from the total loss of resource replacement concept and distribution diagram technique, may determine the optimal scheduling of the project. Besides, it may also inspect and take advantage of those idle resources to reduce the duration and cost of the project as much as possible. What is more important, through the rational of the concept of distribution diagram for replaceable resources, the proposed algorithm is capable of avoiding the errors that may be introduced by humans or environment changes.