在現今數位化時代當中,隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,以及近年來智慧型手機廣泛使用,數位資訊檔案散佈的方式與速度日亦快速,因此,如何藉由利用數位浮水印技術,提升數位檔案之版權(所有權),已成為極為重要的資訊安全議題。為了能使部屬數位浮水印的方式更為快速,已然變成了首要考慮的因素之一。在本論文中,我們所提出的方式是藉由Hadoop分散式運算系統,將輸入原始影片做裁剪分割,並對於分割完成後的圖片檔案,針對不同需求嵌入浮水印,以藉由利用Hadoop分散式運算的特性減低運算所需時間,其中,Hadoop 分散式檔案系統與(HDFS),以及任務分解與結果匯總的技術(MapReduce),兩者將扮演整個系統的重要關鍵。 It is expected that the digital era will be marked by the rapid development of the Internet and smart phones usage. Because of the need to rapidly distribute digital data files, the use of digital watermarking technologies to enhance digital copyrighted files has become extremely important as it relates to information security issues.For the fast implementation of digital video watermarking, we proposed the use of the Hadoop distributed computing system, where the original video is split, for the different requirements to realize embedded digital watermarks. The Hadoop distributed file system together with task decomposition are discussed, and the results obtained using the software MapReduce are summarized. Both technologies are applied to the entire system and the Hadoop distributed computing features play a key role in reducing the required computing time.