本論文採用國家晶片中心提供之TSMC 0.35um和TSMC 0.25um CMOS製程環境來研製簡易型參考電位電路之設計與功率因數校正電路設計。在簡易型參考電位電路設計上,達到突破傳統參考電位電路設計方式,而功率因數修正電路,將參考電位電路之概念應用於其中,使其降低製程環境因素所造成之影響,並達到Pre-sim和Post-sim在各模擬參數之中輸出電壓誤差值在2%之內,使得電路有極佳的穩定效果。 This paper proposed a simpler bandgap reference circuit and a power factor correction circuit by using TSMC 0.25um CMOS process and TSMC 0.35um CMOS process, which are provided from CIC.The simpler bandgap reference circuit, is different from the traditional structure and it uses a power factor correction circuit to reduce the process induced circuit variation. The output voltage error is within 2% between post-sim and pre-sim result. This circuit does have an excellent stability.