Teece et al.(1994,1997)認為整合與配置組織內外資源之管?能?的組織,才能在全球競爭的環境下獲得成功。他們所提出的動態能?觀點,認為環境有其變動的特性,使得企業必須透過組織動態能??『適應、整合與重組組織內與組織外的技能、資源與能?,使之能順應變動的環境』,此項能?無法從市場交?中取得,必須透過組織內部長期的?積?建構。 本研究以Teece(2007)動態能力理論架構為基礎,透過文獻探討釐清理論中的構念後,推論出抽象構念的觀察變項,並依此發展出國際化動態能力之問項,透過觀察三家成功的個案廠商並與其主管訪談次級資料之蒐集,探討廠商之國際化動態能力及網絡關係並找出其代表能力,探究其與海外市場進入策略之關聯性。 經由文獻探討及訪談之後整來動態能力中組織學習、獨特性資源及智慧資產、企業早期拓展成功的經驗對國際化動態能力有正向影響。影響海外市場進入策略的國際化動態能力為以下五個:(1)廠商具有高價值產品與製造技術及擁有生產高度差異化的產品。(2)廠商具有環境動態連結與配置能力。(3)廠商具有開發可以進入國際市場的新能力。(4)廠商與管理者具有公司治理能力,並擁有一定的國際化經驗。(5)廠商具有彈性。 具有以上的國際化動態能力,廠商對於海外市場進入策略傾向選擇高度控制的進入策略,雖然本論文還尚未探討進入初期績效,但本研究可以推估,擁有以上國際化動態能力,對於海外市場開拓績效是正向影響的。 Teece et al. (1994,1997) that the integration and configuration both inside and outside the organization resources management capability of the organization, in order to succeed in the global competitive environment. In this study, Teece (2007) dynamic capabilities theoretical framework through literature to clarify the constructs in the theory, to infer the observation of the abstract constructs of variables, and so develop the dynamic capabilities of the international questions through observe the three successful cases and their supervisor interview secondary data collection, to explore the dynamic capabilities of the international firs and network relationships and to identify their representative capacity, to explore its relevance to overseas market entry strategy, and verify a theory mode. Organizational learning, unique resources and intellectual assets and successful experience has a positive impact on international dynamic capabilities. Followed by a literature review and interviews have five impacts of foreign market entry strategy for the internationalization of dynamic capabilities:1. Firm provided with high-value products and manufacturing technology and with production of highly differentiated products.2. Firm environmental dynamic link configuration.3. Firm develop new capabilities that can enter the international market. 4. Firm and managers with the ability of corporate governance, and has international experience.5. Flexibility.