本研究是以敘事研究來分析生命經驗的故事。內容呈現的是:從初任教師時,學生給「現實震撼教育」,因當時經驗不足再加上無人來輔導,導致師生之間的衝突不斷,讓研究者一直遣責自己的良心;甚至找不到解決的方法,而將所有的責任歸咎於學生及社會大眾對教師不尊敬等因素。之後,生命中有了學易經的經驗,將所學的經驗,運用在教學上,並與西方的理論結合,讓研究者在輔導偏差行為問題時,有了指引的方向。讓學生心服口服願意接受研究者的糾正,讓彼此的傷害降到最低。研究者運用易經在處理學生的人際、同儕、誠信、異性交往、情緒管理等問題。易經的運用,特別強調事物都有一陰一陽兩面,讓研究者懂得站在學生的立場去思考事情的前後因果。結果發現:一、成長背景的影響佛洛伊德及多位心理學家,肯定童年經驗對人的重要性。一個人的行為、態度、觀念和思想的趨向,決定於家庭教育。二、教學經驗不足,造成師生關係不良在初任教師的前幾年,我在教學及與學生的相處,因為經驗不足,所以造成師生關係不良,而導致我做出許多的錯誤嘗試,讓我產生罪惡感與羞恥心。三、用易經為媒介時,對偏差行為之影響在易經的卦辭中,道出研究者多年與學生相處的疑惑,讓我慢慢去修正以往的錯誤方法。易經給我智慧,讓我應用易經的卦辭來調整及輔導學生的偏差行為,因為我相信「人性是本善」。關鍵字:偏差行為deviant behavior、易經Yi-Ching、敘事研究 narrative study This research is about my life story through self-narrative. The researcher , as a teacher, was shocked by the students’ deviant behaviors. At that time, the more I corrected the students’ deviant behaviors, the teacher-student conflicts were more. I felt guilty because the conflicts were not managed and it hurt the teacher-student relationship until the researcher study Yi-Ching. Combining the experience of studying Yi-Ching with the psychological theories and applying to consulting the students in deviant behaviors, the effects have come. Yi-Ching emphasizes Yin-Yang. The reasons of the student’s deviant behaviors include two parts, one is Yin, the other is Yang. Yin is positive and Yang is negative. They are the opposite. When I empathize the students, it becomes easier to correct the student’s behaviors, meanwhile, the occurrence of teacher-student conflict is less. Now, the researcher try to describe the whole story by three parts:First, the influence of the students’ growing background on their behaviorsSecond, the lack of teaching experience and poor teacher-student relationshipThird, applying Yi-Ching to correcting the students’ deviant behaviorskeywords:Deviant Behavior、Yi-Ching、Narrative study