《西班牙組曲》是阿爾貝尼士1886年的佳作。這組作品共有八首小曲,每曲皆以西班牙的地名為標題,並且使用西班牙的音樂語彙來創作。本論文將透過歷史資料的統整及作品分析,探究作曲家的創作理念,進而提出更貼切的演奏詮釋。 The Suite Espa?ola, composed in 1886, is one of Albeniz’s great piano compositions. The suite consists of eight pieces, each of which is named after a Spanish region. The pieces use elements of Spanish music as their resource. This paper consists of both a study of historical references and an analysis of the Suite Espa?ola so that it can be performed in an original and scholarly context.