本研究探討兩個競爭國家廠商(台灣、韓國)面對獨占市場以及競爭市場(歐美市場)差異變化在市場規模不同之下,在本國國內各具有優勢廠商的市場,但在第三國(歐美市場)卻面臨比較大的國際競爭市場。當2008年美國金融海嘯及2010年歐債危機使得第三個國際規模較大的市場產生了萎縮的現象,導致了第三國的市場規模與兩國國內市場規模的差異性縮小。此種市場規模差異的縮小,對該兩國廠商的利潤會造成何種的效果。本研究以Milliou(2004) 、Buehler & Schmutzler(2008)及Santos-Pinto(2010)為基礎架構,主要是以經濟模型推導的方式來論證研究之結果。本文假設韓國市場規模大於台灣市場規模,且韓國廠商有垂直整合,而台灣廠商沒有垂直整合。歐美市場為規模最大的第三國國際市場。經過本文分析,研究結果如下:(1) 台灣與韓國市場規模差距縮小(擴大),則韓國廠商在韓國的銷售量和利潤皆會降低(提高)。(2) 台灣與歐美市場規模差距縮小(擴大),則台灣廠商在台灣的銷售量會降低(提高),與市場規模呈負相關的關鍵零組件價格、在台灣和歐美市場的市價則會提高(降低)。(3) 台灣與歐美市場規模差距縮小(擴大),則台灣廠商和韓國廠商在歐美的銷售量、總利潤皆會降低(提高)。關鍵字:市場規模差距、非對稱性垂直整合、關鍵零組件 In this study, we analyze economic performances and strategies of two competing firms that are advantageous in their own domestic markets but face head-to-head in a bigger and more competitive third country. For example, two firms from Taiwan and South Korea, enter the U.S. and European markets which are monopolized and competition intensed markets at the same time. When 2008 U.S. financial crisis and 2010 European debt crisis occurred, these two markets suffered sudden shrinkages and as a result, a narrower gap of market scale between these two markets and Taiwan and Korea. Therefore, we attempt to study the effects on corporate Profits when the above situation is observed in the market Place. We extend the model of Milliou(2004) 、Buehler & Schmutzler(2008)及Santos-Pinto(2010). We derive an economic model to demonstrate the results. We assume that the market size of Korea is larger than that of Taiwan, and Korea firms are vertical integrated, but Taiwanese firms are not. Moreover, U.S. and European markets are the largest third-country international market. The results are as follows:1. When the difference in market size between Taiwan and Korea narrows(widens), Korean firms decrease (increase) their Production outputs and Profits in their home market.2. When the difference in market size between Taiwan and U.S. & European narrows (widens), sales of Taiwanese firms decrease (increase) in their domestic market. Furthermore, the market size is negatively correlated with key components Prices and the market Prices in Taiwan and U.S. & European markets all increase(decrease).3. When the difference in market size between Taiwan and U.S. & Europe narrows(widens), both Taiwanese and Korean firms experience decrease (increase) in sales and Profits in U.S. & European markets.key words: differences in market size, asymmetric vertical integration, key components