本研究主要是建構在經濟批量排程問題(Economic Lot Scheduling Problem, ELSP)中,對於倉儲空間與平均總成本的求解方式。過去求解經濟批量排程問題的過程中,由於倉儲空間的求解較於困難,因此並不考量倉儲空間和成本的問題,然而在實際情形下總成本不可能只去計算整備與持有成本,產品生產之後必然會進入儲藏的過程,倉庫的租賃成本也該納入考量,方符合現實狀況。 本研究使用共同週期法與基本週期法對多產品經濟批量排程問題來進行倉儲空間成本的求解,並使用一個含有五個產品的例子來展示本研究解決方法的有效性。本研究的目標是求解多產品經濟批量排程問題中,最佳的倉儲空間大小,進而使決策者能在租賃倉庫、計算ELSP的總成本或是進行排程決策上有所幫助。 In the past, only a few researchers pay much attention to the warehouse cost and capacity of the economic lot scheduling problem. However, the warehouse cost is an important part of the total cost. This study discussed the warehouse cost and capacity of the multi-products economic lot scheduling problem under the common cycle and basic period approaches. The study uses an example that has 5 products to show the effectiveness of our solving approaches. Our approaches can help production decision makers calculate the optimal warehouse cost and capacity of the multi-products economic lot scheduling problem.