本研究目的旨在探討知覺組織支持對加盟主自我概念(知覺局內人地位)的影響,進而影響加盟主滿意度及契約中止意圖。實證調查以某連鎖加盟主為研究對象,採問卷調查方式蒐集調查樣本,共蒐集315份有效樣本,以線性結構分析模式來驗證各變相間的影響關係。研究結果發現如下:(1)當加盟主知覺組織支持愈高時,則其滿意度的程度會愈高,契約中止意圖的程度會愈低;(2)當加盟主知覺組織支持愈高時,則其知覺局內人地位的程度將會愈高;(3)當加盟主知覺局內人地位愈高時,則其滿意度的程度將會愈高,契約中止意圖的程度將會愈低;(4)加盟主滿意度會負向影響加盟主契約中止意圖。經由上述結果,本研究能提供國內加盟總部一個實務性的參考。 The main purpose of this research is to review the influence on self-concept of the franchisee from the perceived organizational support, and its subsequent effects on the satisfaction level and the intention on contract termination.This study conducts a questionnaire survey on a certain franchise chain store company. There are 315 valid questionnaires in total, which are analyzed by the linear structural model (factor analysis). The results can be summarized as follows.1.When a franchisee receives more perceived organizational support, she/he will get higher satisfaction, resulting in a decline in the contract termination intention.2.When a franchisee receives more perceived organizational support, her/his perception of insider status increases.3.The higher the perceived insider status, the greater her/his satisfaction and the lower her/his intention of contract termination.4.The degree of the franchisee’s satisfaction negatively affects her/his intention of contract termination.This study contributes to provide a useful practice of franchise business operations in Taiwan.