自1992 年的地球高峰會議正式提出「永續發展」之主題以來,綠色消費即被視為是達成全球永續發展之重要工作,政府為推廣綠色產品,除了鼓勵綠色生產外,也加強綠色消費觀念,期望透過綠色行銷帶動全民的綠色消費。本研究先針對不同的消費者族群做深度訪談,再將訪談結果與既有研究的論述發展成兩份問卷;從回收的問卷中依性別、年齡以及職業分群,加以探討,結果發現,性別在綠色產品消費時會有明顯的顯著差異,女性會因家庭因素購買或推薦之綠色產品;年齡方面,越高齡具有較深的環保意識,學生與公務人員在使用再生紙的情況上無顯著差異,公務人員在家庭因素及拒絕購買過度包裝產品的環保行為表現都比學生高,基於綠色消費原則,在第二份問卷時所選擇的受測對象,多數偏向於有購買過綠色產品的積極行動者、忠實支持者或功利主義者。 Since the Earth Summit on Sustainable Development held in 1992, greenconsumption has been regarded as one of the most important strategies to achieve the goalof global sustainable development. Beside encouraging and promoting green production,it is important that we strengthen the concept of green consumption in the hope thatthrough green marketing-driven full of green consumption.Depth interview had conducted on different consumer groups, the context anddiscussion of existing research combine to develop into two separated questionnaires.Returned questionnaires are analyzed by gender, age and occupation. It is found thatgender has an significant impact on the consumption of green products. Women are morelikely to purchase the recommended green products due to domestic factors, in additionthe older of the age the higher of environmental awareness. There is no significantdifference between students and functionaries on the usage of recycled paper. However,the latter who refuse to buy over-packaged products on the environmental behavior aremore than the former. In the second questionnaire, most subjects who had bought greenproducts are activists or loyal supporters or utilitarian.