國內外探討國家品質獎及組織績效間關係的研究中,皆以曾參獎或獲獎的企業做為研究對象,卻鮮少有針對曾經參獎與未曾參獎的企業做為比較的研究,此為本研究所探討的重點。本研究參考歐洲品質獎與平衡計分卡之結合,利用我國國家品質獎及平衡計分卡,建構出組織的績效衡量項目。同時使用層級分析法做指標權重計算,採修正式德菲法來收集專家問卷,以探討近年曾獲得我國國家品質獎以及未曾參獎之企業對於組織績效的看法有何異同。研究顯示,在平衡計分卡的四個構面中,包括財務構面、顧客構面、流程構面以及學習成長構面上,這兩種類型的企業都在顧客構面的權重值最高。然而,在財務、流程和學習成長上的看法卻大不相同。在我國國家品質獎的衡量項目上,對於顧客構面的衡量績效,企業的權重比較不同外,在其它構面的績效衡量上,本研究所計算出之權重大至相同。 Most of the past studies discussed companies which have participated the Quality Award. There is only a few articles mention the difference between companies that participated or non-participated Quality Award. This study is to discuss what’s the difference in the performance between these categories of companies. This study combines the four perspectives of balance scorecard (BSC) with National Quality Award criteria and constructs a performance measurement tool which fits into the enterprises in Taiwan for financial and non-financial performance.The results show that among four perspectives of the BSC which are financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth. Both categories of enterprises pay much attention to the customers. However, there is great difference in other three perspectives. According to the measurement tool which combines National Quality Award with four perspectives of BSC, it shows that there is much different between two categories of enterprises in the customer perspective. As to other perspectives, categories of enterprises are almost the same.