本研究旨在探討一所私立科技大學行政服務品質與學生滿意度之間的關係。調查對象為該所私立科技大學的大三學生,研究樣本為該所私立科技大學2009學年度大三學生在台灣高等教育資料庫所填報的問卷資料,有效樣本共377份。統計方式以SPSS for Windows 12.0版進行描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析統計方法來考驗假設,得到研究結果如下:一、學生所知覺的行政服務品質在中等以上,以「系上學習環境」為最高,以「學生事務」為最低。二、學生所知覺的學生滿意度在中等以上,以「目前就讀的科系」最高,以「自己的大學生活經驗」為最低。三、商學院或家庭年收入70萬以下或第一世代大學生其行政服務品質知覺的感受最高。四、家庭年收入70萬以下或第一世代大學生其學生滿意度知覺的感受最高。五、學生所知覺的行政服務品質與學生滿意度有顯著正相關。六、學生所知覺的行政服務品質能顯著預測學生滿意度。 最後,根據研究發現與結論提出具體建議,以供高等教育行政人員、高等教育機構、政府及教育相關單位以及對後續研究之建議。 This study aimed to investigate the relationships between administrative service quality and student satisfaction of one private university. Participants are in their junior year. The study sample was collected from the 2009 reported questionnaire data of Taiwan Integrated Postsecondary Education Database hosted by National Taiwan Normal University and 377 samples were valid. The analysis used the SPSS Version 12 for Windows statistical package. First, descriptive statistics were computed. The next part of the analysis used t test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlations. Finally, stepwise multiple regression analysis was done to examine the hypothesis. The main findings were as follows:1. Participants’ perception of the administrative service quality was above the average. “The learning environment of the department” achieved the maximum, and “the student affair” was the minimum.2. Participants’ perception of the student satisfaction was above the average. Their “department” was the highest, and “the life experience on campus” was the lowest.3. The business college’s participants or the first-generation college students, or whose family incomes were under seven hundred thousand dollars satisfied “the administrative service quality” most. 4. Participants who were the first-generation college students, or whose family incomes were under seven hundred thousand dollars gratified “the student satisfaction” most.5. The correlations between the administrative service quality and the student satisfaction were significantly positive.6. Participants’ perception of “the administrative service quality” significantly predicted “the student satisfaction.” Based on the findings, this study provided not only a framework for understanding the relationships between administrative service quality and student satisfaction of one private university, but also useful suggestions for the government, the educational authority, higher education institutions, and higher education administrators.