本研究旨在探討飲料店從業人員對健康化飲料知識、態度與行為三者間現況,並進一步了解三者間的關係與影響狀況。利用問卷調查之方式進行資料蒐集,共發放問卷400份,有效回收314份,有效回收率為78.5%。 研究結果發現,飲料店從業人員整體健康化飲料知識答對率為76%;整體的健康化飲料態度趨於正向;整體的健康化飲料行為偏正向。而不同人口背景變項之受試者在健康化飲料知識、態度與行為的表現,經由t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後檢定,對健康化飲料行為有顯著性差異。並以皮爾森積差相關分析驗證結果,發現健康化飲料知識、態度與行為間達顯著相關。而多元迴歸分析則發現,健康化飲料知識與健康化飲料行為兩者之間,健康化飲料態度扮演部份中介角色。 The purpose of this study was to discuss the healthy drinking knowledge, attitude and behavior for the employees of beverage shop, and furthermore, to explain interrelations of these factors. A total of 400 questionnaires were collected. We receiver 314 valid questionnaires, thus the recovery rate was 78.5%. The correctness rate toward the whole healthy drinking knowledge of respondents was 76%. The overall attitude toward healthy drinking was prone to positive. The overall behavior toward healthy drinking was also prone to positive. There were significance differences on healthy drinking knowledge, attitude and behavior toward the performance of subjects with different backgrounds by use of t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe Post Hoc test. And there was a significant relationship indicated through Pearson Product-moment correlation analysis among healthy drinking knowledge, attitude and behavior. Multiple regression analysis result showed healthy drinking attitude intermediates healthy drinking knowledge and healthy drinking behavior.