本研究考?一個含有單一供應商及多個買方的供應鏈體系。在此供應鏈體系中,通常因供應商的經濟生產批?的週期,未必能與買方的經濟訂購批?的週期相互吻合,故其中常存在許多補貨協調的問題。一般而言,買賣雙方會彼此妥協而接受一個次佳解的決策。為?達到買賣雙方彼此整合的效果,本研究在考慮買方採購成本預算的上限下,對此供應鏈體系之整合型存貨模型進?分析,並運用小步搜尋法繪出其最佳解曲線結構。在本?文中,我們以圖形顯示該整合型存貨模型之最佳解曲線,具有片段凸性的性質。據此片段凸性的性質,可協助於尋求該模型的全域最佳解。作者以?個範?驗證??結果,並提出?據與文獻中所提之解法進?比較;結果顯示本?文所得的結果,均優於文獻中解法所得的答案。 In this paper, we consider an integrated supply chain model where a single vendor supplies goods for the demand of multiple buyers. In this supply chain system, there exists a replenishment coordination problem since the replenishment schedule for the vendor does not agree with that for each buyer. The replenishment coordination problem results in sub-optimal solutions for both the vendor and the buyers. This model attempts to integrate the decision-making among the vendor and the buyers to minimize the average total costs in this supply chain model subject to the buyers’ budget constraints. In this study, we explore that the optimality structure of this integrated supply chain model is a piece-wise convex curve by using a small-step search procedure. The piece-wise convex properties facilitate the search of the global optimal solution.