本研究主要目的在探討工作環境與工作特性對手眼協調及視覺疲?的影響。其中工作環境以?同照?水準為變項。而工作特性則分為工作姿勢與受試者變項?部分。本研究以東海大學工業工程系30位學生為受試樣本,使用TOTO Physical 公司之50110 號儀器進?手腕型雙手作業型態之手眼協調實驗。視覺疲??的衡?則採用閃光融合閾值及主觀評?表進?評估。實驗結果並以Statistica 統計軟體進?變??分析、DUNCAN 事後分析及相關分析。實驗結果顯示手腕型手腕型雙手作業型之手眼協調績效其完成時間與工作環境照?、工作姿勢、性別及運動習慣皆達顯著差?水準。視覺疲?之閃光融合閾測試值則與工作環境照?達顯著差?水準。主觀評?方面在工作姿勢、性別及運動習慣及熬夜習慣等變項亦均達顯著差?水準。 This study is an attempt to determine the influence of work environment and property on hand-eyed coordination and visual fatigue. The work environment focuses on the different illuminations. The work property contains postures and the nature of workers. The work postures can divide into two forms of sit and stand. The study also analyze the influence of gender, and the habits of stay-up and sport. A total of 30 subjects were used. The investigation was taken by using the equipments, which include wrist-eyed coordination (Equipments No.50110), and the critical flicker fusion frequency (CFF). Finally, the data were analysis by Statistica/PC. The results showed, the difference of illuminations, work postures, gender, and the habit of sport was significant in the wrist-eyed coordination operation