成長是企業經營的目的,企業成長模式是學術界重要的研究主題。本研究以台灣一家本土型的五金配件公司之成長歷程為例,說明其如何在十年期間成長為國際型的企業。本研究根據個案公司的發展經驗,發現企業成長的關鍵在於有效整合公司的外部競合關係與其內部協調機制。因此,本研究整合Brandenburger & Nalebuff (2006)的價值網與Tushman (1998)的協調模型,進而提出企業成長之雙輪模型。Brandenburger & Nalebuff (2006)認為公司與外部的四個參賽者-顧客、供應商、競爭者與互補者,要建立既競爭又合作的關係,透過彼此的互動創造市場更多的價值與機會。Tushman (1998)認為公司要達成策略目標,必須協調公司內部的四要素-任務、結構、人員及文化。本研究除建立企業成長之雙輪模型外,更進行雙輪模型之動態分析,進而建立企業成長之動態雙輪模型。此模型有效解釋個案公司的發展與成長過程,未來可提供企業管理之實務界及學術界參考。 Growth is the purpose of business and business growth model is an important theme of the academic studies. This study presents a native Taiwan-based hardware company with an explanation of how it grows to be the international enterprise for decade. According to the company's development experience of cases, this study found that the key for business integration is effectiveness of co-petition relationships externally with its systematic on internal coordination. Therefore, this study integrates the value-net (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 2006) and model of coordination (Tushman,1998) to further propose “The twin-wheel business growth model”. Brandenburger & Nalebuff (2006) state that the four participants - customer, supplier, competitor and complementor, should establish the relationship between competition and cooperation through mutual interaction to create more market shares and business opportunities. Tushman (1998) claimed that if company wants to achieve strategic objectives, the company must be coordinated within the four elements - mandate, structure, personnel and culture. This study indicates not only the establishment of the twin-wheel business growth model, but also a model of dynamic twin-wheel analysis, which explain business growth. This dynamic model effectively explains the company's development and growth process. In future, this practice will also provide reference to practical business management field as well as research field.