本論文以軌跡分析理論來分析膠體粒子於收集器中的吸附行為,其中收集器採用楔型管PCT管型,而描述促使膠體粒子運動的驅動力包含有因膠體粒子的移動速度與流場的速度差所造成的拖曳力(drag force);膠體粒子受周圍介質分子的熱運動而產生的布朗運動擴散力;膠體粒子與收集器之間因凡得瓦爾力(van der Waars force)與電荷排斥力(electrostatic repulsion force)所產生的DLVO作用力;膠體粒子受到電解質溶液中溶質分子濃度梯度差而引起的擴散泳(diffusiophoresis)效應等四種作用力。由模擬的結果發現,當膠體有擴散泳現象發生時,有利於膠體粒子吸附在收集器的表面;當流速增加時,膠體粒子所受到流體的慣性力會隨著增加,相對的,其所受到擴散泳的效應也會下降,因而降低膠體粒子在收集器中的吸附效率。在本文的最後,將會利用此楔型管PCT吸附模式,與相關的實驗結果作比較,以瞭解本論文所採用模擬方法的準確性。 The deposition of colloidal particles onto the collector surfaces of porous media is investigated by utilizing the Brownian dynamics simulation method. The pore structure in a filter bed was characterized by the parabolic (PCT) constricted tube. The sum of four individual deposition mechanisms,e.g.,the Brownian diffusion,the DLVO interactions,the interception and the diffusiophoresis on the collection efficiencies of particles are also examined. Diffusiophoresis is the movement of rigid,particle caused by a gradient of molecular solute. The simulation results show that the diffusiophoresis effect will increase the collection efficiency of Brownian particles. To find a new general correlation equation by the present theoretical model .The new correlation equation is compared with the available experimental data at the end of this thesis.