摘要本論文的主要內容在於描述具布朗運動的氣懸膠膠體粒子在楔型管中的吸附情形,探討不同的吸附條件對其吸附效率的影響,進而歸論出一吸附效率經驗式,方便使用者在預測不同的吸附條件下膠體粒子吸附情形。本論文中所討論的是固體膠體粒子在充滿流動氣體的楔型管中的吸附情形,歸納出的經驗式則考慮了流場、外力、布朗運動、管型、流速、重力…等許多因素的影響,在本論文的結果中可發現,直徑為1 以下之膠體粒子深受布朗運動之影響而改變其吸附效率,此吸附效率曲線與膠體的粒徑呈現出一V字型的關係,在此V字型的左半邊,膠體的吸附效率將因粒徑的減少(布朗運動行為的明顯增強)而增加。 Abstract The main purpose of this thesis is to study the deposition behavior of Brownian aerosols within a constricted tube theoretically by using the Brownian dynamic simulation method. The effects of particle size, flow velocity and the gravitational forces on the initial single-collector efficiencies of aerosols are considered in the present thesis. From the simulation results, we find that, instead of its value increases with the increase of flow velocity and of those aerosols whose sizes are bigger than one micro meter, the initial collection efficiencies of sub-micro aerosols will increase with the decrease of particle size when the value of Reynolds number is in the laminar flow region. An empirical equation of predicting the initial single-collector efficiency is also derived based on the simulation results obtained in the present work. We find that this empirical equation fits well those available deep bed filtration experimental data when both the aerosol size and the flow velocity are low.