第二外語學習者在學習一個新的語言時,通常是透過閱讀或者是聆聽敘事性和非敘事性的文章。很多的証據指出閱讀或者是聽敘事性的文章能幫助第二外語學習者增加他們的字彙和理解力。愈來愈多的研究主張不論是敘事性的文章或非敘事性的文章在語言學習過程中都扮演著重要的角色,尤其在真實的世界裡,人們需要擁有各種不同的技能,比如說,讀懂或聽懂各種不同型式的非敘事性文章。但是在一般的第二語言學習環境裡,大部份都是敘事性的文章。由於第二語言學習者己經習慣閱讀或聽敘事性的文章,第二語言學習者是否能只閱讀或聽敘事性文章的經驗進而幫助理解非敘事性文章,則?有肯定的答案。 本研究旨在探討敘事性的聽力訓練對於整體聽力(敘事性和非敘事性聽力)理解的成效。4個班級總共142位的高中二級學生參與此項研究。二個班級為實驗組,另外二個班級則為對照組。實驗組的學生會接受敘事性的聽力訓練長達4個月的時間,對照組則?有接受任何的聽力訓練。所有的學生不論是否有接受敘事性的聽力訓練,他們都會先完成一份前測聽力考試,4個月後完成一份後測聽力考試。 本項研究採用三個成對樣本T檢定檢測學生經過敘事性的聽力訓練對於學生整體的聽力、敘事性和非敘事性聽力的成效。另外二個獨立樣本T檢定是了解實驗組學生的敘事性或非敘事性聽力的進步幅度是否明顯比控制組的學生好。共變數分析則是進一步了解學生敘事性聽力進步的變化。研究分析結果顯示敘事性的聽力訓練有助於非敘事性的聽力理解力,但是,學生敘事性聽力的進步,則?有定論,因為原本前測分數考的比較好的學生,他們在後測並?有明顯的進步。也就是敘事性的聽力訓練並?有幫助原本在實驗前聽力比較好的學生。最後,學生若?有接受任何的聽力訓練,他們的聽力理解力不會有任何進步。 L2 learners are supposed to acquire a new language through either reading or listening to both fiction and nonfiction texts. Scholars have accumulated evidence that reading and listening to fiction helps learners increase their L2 comprehension and vocabulary. A growing number of studies have contended that learning to extract information from nonfiction texts is as important as, if not more important than, understanding fiction content. In the real world, people need a greater variety of skills to comprehend nonfiction texts in both written and spoken forms, since L2 learning materials are generally fictitious in nature. While L2 learners are accustomed to reading and listening to fiction, it remains uncertain whether experience with fiction benefits nonfiction comprehension. The purpose of the current study is to investigate whether listening to fiction alone improves overall listening comprehension (fiction and nonfiction listening comprehension). The participants were 142 11th-grade students from four classes. Two classes were assigned to be experimental groups while the other two classes were assigned to be control groups. The participants of the experimental groups received fiction listening training during four months, but the participants of the control groups did not. The Participants of both the experimental groups and control groups completed a pretest at the beginning of the study and a posttest at the end of training. Three paired-samples t-tests were administered to investigate the effectiveness of fiction listening training on participants overall listening comprehension, and fiction and nonfiction listening comprehension. Then, two independent-samples t-tests were used to determine whether the experimental group’s fiction or nonfiction listening comprehension improved more than the control group’s. An ANCOVA further investigated participants’ fiction listening comprehension improvements between the experimental and control groups. The results of the current study revealed that the participants’ overall listening comprehension, more specifically nonfiction listening comprehension, improved because of the fiction listening training. The degree of fiction listening improvement remained inconclusive because participants who achieved higher scores on the pretest did not make significant improvement on the posttest. The fiction listening treatment did not contribute greatly to participants who seemed to have better listening ability at the beginning of the study. Finally, the participants who received no listening training did not show an improvement of their listening comprehension.