隨著國民所得提高,消費型態改變,國人外食的需求增加,造成餐飲市場的蓬勃發展。餐飲業進入門檻低,競爭者眾,要具規模經營並維持競爭優勢實屬不易。有鑑於此,本研究基於動態能力觀點,探討個案餐飲集團如何在變動快速的環境下,要如何不斷調整經營策略以適應環境變動並達到最佳獲利。以系統動力學為研究方法,採單一個案方式進行深度研究,觀察個案集團如何由單一品牌擴張到多品牌經營,並進一步朝向多店品牌的發展過程。本研究發現:個案集團複製成功模式,在分店、品牌層級快速成長,提高集團營收;並藉由管理制度的推動及運行,成功帶來營收成長與成本下降的趨動力;隨著市場消費趨勢調整經營策略,成功轉變經營模式,帶動個案集團企業成長。 In recent years, restaurants in Taiwan are blooming in many cities as more and more people go out eating. Low barriers of entry and intensive competitions have led to severe challenges for restaurants to success or even to survive. In such a rigorous environment, however, some restaurant groups are emerging and have acquired great successes. To explore how big restaurant groups successfully grow, this study uses the W Restaurant Group, a famous restaurant group in Taiwan, as a case to find out how a systemic design of management systems, cultures, and growth strategies contributes to the group’s growth. By using system dynamics as an approach, essential feedback loops, including critical auditing mechanisms, relevant growth momentums embedded in the restaurant group’s reward and management systems, and synergies from the group’s multiple brands and branches are explored in this study. Based on the clearly understanding of the growth dynamics that the W Restaurant Group has experienced, some suggestions are also proposed for practitioners pursuing success in restaurant business.