本研究之主要目的在於探討「情意教學課程方案」對國小三年級學童學業挫折容忍力之影響,比較實驗組之一般學生與弱勢學生在接受實驗處理後的差異情形,並瞭解情意教學課程方案實施的情況、學生的學習結果,以及學生與教師對情意教學方案看法與建議。本研究以準實驗研究進行探究,採不相等前後測控制組設計。研究者自台中市某國小三年級年段抽樣兩班,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。實驗組進行每週一次,每次八十?一百二十分鐘,共八週的情意課程教學方案,教學由研究者擔任,控制組學生則未接受實驗處理。研究者歸納研究結果,提出以下結論,做為教學應用與未來研究之參考。一、「情意教學課程方案」對實驗組學生在學業挫折容忍力有一定的提升效果二、一般學生與弱勢學生在接受「情意課程教學方案」後,在學業挫折容忍力無顯著差異三、「情意教學課程方案」有助於提升學生學習上的情意素養四、學生對「情意教學課程方案」給予正面肯定五、教師透過「情意教學課程方案」的實施,對於班級經營有正面助益 The purposes of this study were to design a affective project for the third graders, to evaluate the effects of promoting frustration tolerance on academic performance, and to understand students' and the teacher's opinions about this project. The project was designed based on affective educational theory, including eight teaching units. Two third grade classes were participated in a pretest and posttest quasi-experimental design. Results showed the project can help the third graders to develop their frustration tolerance on academic performance, and there is no significant differences between disadvantaged and other students on Frustration Tolerance scale after experimental teaching project. Qualitative analyses through class observation and activity sheets indicated the project can help students developed cognitive knowledge on academic and accomplished teaching objectives. From student questionnaire and teacher interview, both students and the teacher granted positive comments on the project. Suggestions to counselling and teaching on frustration tolerance for elementary students and further studies were proposed.