本研究於101 年進行4 個批次的採樣,時間分別是101年3月21~23 日、5月22~24日、8月8~10日、10月2~4日,期間進行大氣細懸浮微粒之垂直與平面採樣。 PM2.5 垂直採樣濃度顯示在68公尺高PM2.5濃度變化不大,濃度介於23?32μg/m3,而離地面11公尺高的大里區公所PM2.5濃度變化大,介於28?67μg/m3。 垂直採樣之組成成份分析平均結果,不同高度之PM2.5組成成份均以硫酸鹽所佔之比例24.18%為最高,次為有機碳17.72%,再為銨鹽9.42%,其不同之高度成份所佔之百分比有一致之趨勢。 平面採樣PM2.5組成份比例,以硫酸鹽所佔比例24.16%最高,次為有機碳16.47%,再次為銨鹽10.06%。PM2.5之金屬成份分析顯示以鈉1.33%及鐵0.89%含量較高,次為鈣0.60%,其他金屬成份值比例相對較低。 本研究應用高量採樣法、β射線衰減法、手動採樣法所得採樣結果統計之比值為高量採樣法:β射線衰減法:手動採樣法=1:0.87:0.80。 應用以上之三種採樣方法所得之比值進行針對此研究之採樣佈點評估,結果顯示自設測站與環保署測站之PM2.5濃度差異性相當小,故本研究之採樣佈點在採樣期間足以代表台中市之PM2.5空間分佈。 This study processed 4 batches of sampling, collecting the atmospheric fine suspended particles vertically and horizontally during 3/21~3/23, 5/22~5/24,8/8~8/10 and 10/2~10/4 in 2012. The result of PM2.5 vertical sampling indicated the variations in concentration of PM2.5 at 68 meters height was slight. The concentrations were between 23?32μg/m3. But the the variations in concentration of PM2.5 at 11 meters height was greatly at Dali district office. The concentrations were between 28?67μg/m3. The composition analysis of PM2.5 vertical sampling indicated that the highest portion is sulfate, 24.18% at all height levels. The secondary is organic carbon, 17.72% then 9.42% ammonium. The composition of PM2.5 at different height level has the same trend. The composition analysis of PM2.5 horizontal sampling indicated that the highest portion was still sulfate, 24.16%. The secondary was organic carbon, 16.47% then 10.06% ammonium. The metals analysis of PM2.5 indicated that sodium and iron had high portions about 1.33% and 0.89% then was 0.60%calcium. The content of the others metals were relatively low. Three methods of sampling, high-volume air sampling, β-ray attenuation sampling and manual sampling were used in this study. The sampled PM2.5 weight ratio of these three method is as below. Highvolume air sampling :β-ray attenuation sampling : manual sampling = 1:0.87:0.80。 According to the weight ratio of PM2.5 by the described three sampling methods to analyze the location variation, it showed that the variation of concentration of PM2.5 at the sampling location we chose is slight to the EPA sampling station. Therefore, the chose location in this study during the sampling period can represent the spacial distribution of PM2.5 in Taichung city.