網際網路正迅速改變世界經濟,消費者使用習慣面臨巨大改變,使得傳播的媒介跟著產生改變;然而其中影響甚鉅的觀光旅遊產業,更從傳統的廣告行銷方式轉變成網路行銷發展,2001年開始舉辦的台中國際旅展以舉辦旅遊展實體活動事件行銷方式,從2004年以Tranews大台灣旅遊為唯一協辦單位,成功使得實體事件行銷的成功。 藉由虛擬個案站台成功行銷的方式,分別是各入口網站關鍵字搜尋優勢、簡易操作的網站架構、個案網站內容的完整建置、旅展新聞訊息的報導面相趨向深度與持續、網路旅遊新聞通路的曝光優勢、線上旅展門票優惠券下載及優惠訊息曝光、到創造虛擬的個案體驗,都成功為主辦單位與參展單位創造了三倍以上的參觀人潮與五倍以上的網際網路站台瀏覽人次,進一步使得事件行銷中之實體活動能藉由虛擬網站中的曝光,創造觀光業者更高效益,更成了台中知名的代表展覽之一。 不僅從2004年開始由參觀人次4萬多人次暴增至今2012年4月參展單位創造4天超過13萬人實際參訪人次的輝煌紀錄,主辦單位更表示,參展攤位數多年來不斷增加且是一位難求,皆為主辦單位及參展單位雙方創造實質商機。然而,從2004年第四屆台中國際旅展以Tranews大台灣旅遊網為唯一網路媒體協辦單位,透過完整的內容型網站關鍵成功因素,打響台中國際旅展品牌,更屢屢締造旅展現場的高人潮。 The Internet rapidly and greatly changes the global economy and changes the fundamental nature of consumer behavior, which leads to the chain reaction of communication media so as tourism industry. From the traditional way of advertising to the development of online marketing, the Taichung International Travel Fair initiated since 2001 has begun organizing virtual events as part of its marketing strategy, switching from traditional marketing method to the Internet platform. The integral website content has been a major factor that helps to create exposure of the Taichung International Travel Fair and attract a tremendous number of visitors. This successful case has shown that the virtual website model of the brand new Taichung International Travel Fair (http://titf.tw.tranews.com) can be distinguished from the traditional media through the effective implementation of significant characteristics of Internet media and the integration of content-based website. With no limitation of time and location, the Internet media has the advantages of reaching active exposure and passive search and achieving the integration of the Internet advertising and marketing; these are the seven key factors that help to shape a successful individual case. They are bellows:1. The Search Keyword Opitimazition.2. The virtual case platform is easy to use for Internet users.3. The complete contents are builded by Tranews teams.4. It offers deeper travel news and could continue to broadcast to internet users.5. The news that reported by Tranews reporters will be supplied to the main entrance at the same time.6. The newly coupons and ticket offer online will catch the audience eyes.7. The virtual case platform gave throughout contents and created the internet users experience. Back in 2004, the number of visitors was over forty thousands. In April 2012, the number of visitors reached over 0.13 million people just within four days, setting a remarkable record. According to the organizer of the Taichung International Travel Fair, the high demand of exhibition booths over the years has created a lot of business opportunities that greatly benefited both the organizer and participants from them. It is also worth mentioning that TraNews has been the only media co-organizer of the Taichung International Travel Fair since 2004.