隨著企業全球化的趨勢日益普及,企業整體經營環境愈形激烈競爭,正如目前許多台灣高科技產業代工大廠都面臨著代工利潤降無可降的窘境。台灣半導體封測產業在全世界占有舉足輕重的角色,隨著電子化產品的創新與進步,應用範圍也日趨廣泛,對於半導體的需求也就大幅成長。OEM代工產業所追求的生產目標不外乎是低成本、高產出率、短生產週期、高良率及準時交貨等,而半導體的產品種類繁多,變異性大,造成封裝產業需面臨多樣產品的生產,對封裝業來說生產週期的縮短改善已經是第一要務。本文研究的主要目的是因應台灣半導體封測產業,在面臨全球化的競爭環境下,如何結合精實生產及六標準差,改善某一產品生產週期的時間,以符合客戶的需求。個案S公司某客戶的生產週期約為3.5~3.6天,不符合客戶的期待在3天以內,故本研究使用精實六標準差改善手法,並依精實六標準差思考模式逐步進行改善,最後達成客戶的期待,這個模式它可以改善縮短整體代工廠的生產週期,也可以提供管理者未來在解決其他問題的參考,使管理者在面臨全球化的競爭時更具有競爭優勢。 Facing the severe competitive environment in the global market, almost every manufacturer tries to find the way to sustain its competitive edge. It plays the critical role of Taiwan Semiconductor industry in the world. While the application goes wide-spreading accompanies the revolution and innovation of electrical appliance and the demand of semiconductor is growing substantially. The production targets for the OEM company include low cost throughput、short cycle time、high yield and on time delivery, etc. All these targets are related with cycle time. Precise and quick estimating of product’s cycle time are very important. With more and more kinds of semiconductor products, it’s a first priority for semiconductor packaging (Assemble and Testing) to reduce the production cycle time of multi-production.The main purpose of this study focuses on Taiwan Assemble and Testing OEM industry which is facing a severe competitive environment under the globalization. How to use the lean production and LSS improve method for reduce cycle time and meet the hope for customer. The cycle time period was 3.5~3.6 days which did not meet the hope for customer under 3 days. So we use the LSS improve method and follow the DMAIC flow to improve in this study. It’s can reduce the production cycle time in whole OEM factory and provide the reference to manager for solve the other problem in the future. It can make firms to have competition on the global competitive market.