本研究以創新與核心能力相關之理論,探討台灣牙醫產業的市場概況,並歸納出台灣中小型牙醫產業的創新經營模式。以E公司為例,探討其創新經營模式是否能擊敗眾多同業競爭者,為診所帶來利益。研究結果如下:1. 科技快速的進步,健保制度實施後,牙醫診所的植牙和美白等自費療程具更高的利潤,牙醫系的排名直逼醫學系。大型醫院注重教學研究,但過多限制與較低的薪資,使牙醫師轉往中小型私人牙醫診所執業。2. 比起大醫院,中小型牙醫診所的核心競爭力及創新經營模式為:(1) 醫療服務:醫師以耐心、親切的態度詳細講解療程並正確解決病患問題,消除病患內心的恐懼,提高忠誠度。(2) 完整的預約與追蹤制度:提醒病患準時就診,定期追蹤狀況,把握病患固定回診,有助於長久關係發展。(3) 環境舒適:寬敞的空間得以讓病患放鬆緊張的心情。如:五星級大廳與大型候診室。3. 中小型私人診所經營的種類分為單打獨鬥、醫師聯盟、家族合辦與企業主導,其中以醫師聯盟與企業主導最具競爭優勢。4. E公司以私人企業投資的模式經營並符合上述能力,故獲得衛生署優良評鑑並頒發獎狀,證明此創新經營模式可以被該領域的專業人士及社會大眾接受,可繼續以此方式提昇更好的服務與技術回饋社會。 This study used the theory of innovation and core competence to probe into the general situation of the recent dental business in Taiwan. The study of E dental clinic would exam the success of innovative business models for the new dental industry. 1. After national health insurance was operating in Taiwan, the private dental clinic has also developed more medical services that patients need to pay at their own expense to the clinic. Due to the excess profit has been seemed from the dental industry, more dentists decided to leave the general hospital and work for the private clinic. 2. The new business innovation models for the small and medium-sized private dental clinic is as follow: a. Medical service : The dentist should stay humble with more patient, intimate and detail-oriented attitude facing the patient. The patient’s loyalty degree will be improved.b. Good reservation and follow up system : It’s good for extended relationship between the clinic and the patient. c. Environmental atmosphere : It’s important providing qualified environment to the patient, so the patient feels relaxing and not nervous while they are waiting. 3. The small and medium-sized private dental clinic has divided into four different types : Ownership, Strategic alliance, Family business, Corporate venture.4. The study of E dental clinic has met the search result. It concludes the innovative business model is workable and presentable for the new dental industry.