隨著時代變遷以及社會結構的改變,人口老化問題逐漸受到重視;根據內政部之統計,台灣每年的銀髮族人數都呈現增加的趨勢,並漸漸跟隨歐美以發展國家的人口老化腳步。銀髮族的增加,連帶使得慢性疾病及功能障礙的人口數急遽上升,繼而對醫療服務與長期照護之相關服務產生大量需求,此現象使得相關的福利政策措施逐漸受到重視,並帶動了銀髮族產業的興起,也為銀髮族相關產品與服務需求湧現之契機。本研究希望先以受照顧者及家屬之角度切入分析,再以業者角度發展經營模式。首先,透過文獻探討與利用Value Proposition Designer找出受照顧端之需求,作為問卷問項,再藉由問卷結果分析主要需求,提出價值主張,結合TRIZ得到創新法則,分析創新方案提供給規劃者做為參考依據,並發展出創新經營模式。 Population aging has drawn increasing attention as time and social structure change. MOI statistics show that the senior population in Taiwan increases annually and population aging will soon start as in European countries and the USA. The population of people suffering from chronic diseases and physical dysfunction will also increase, boosting the demand for medical services and long-term care service. This not only has become a focus of related welfare policies but also gives rise to the senior care industry, as the demand for related products and services increases. In foreign countries, both the government and private businesses have entered the senior care industry one after another, and related policies, laws and regulations, and business models have been developed. In the absence of a method for assessing and analyzing business models, most owners in Taiwan operate their businesses based on their own perception or the model of competitors. The existing social welfare resources and service models will gradually be unable to meet the market demand. The Industrial Development Bureau pointed out that innovation, sensitivity, convenience, and horizontal integration are the key to success of the senior care industry in the future aging society.This study aims to develop an innovative business models for the senior care service industry in terms of care receivers and their family. After the literature review, this study will first investigate the care demands of receivers with the value proposition designer. After designing the questionnaire items with these demands to analyze demands and propose value, this study will combine TRIZ to obtain the methods for innovation to analyze innovation plans for the reference of business owners to develop innovative business models.