在時間與距離的限制下,越來越多的時候,消費購物成為了現代都市人重要的休閒行為,而百貨商場空間自然變成了進行購物活動的重要場域。然而人們如何在都市的水泥叢林環境下,行休閒生活的同時也能夠感受自然,是我所關注的。位於綠園道上的勤美誠品,是一個以自然植物垂直化的外牆系統(植生牆)與建築結合的案例,而業者從招商到行銷上也擷取了這樣的綠色概念,植生牆面與商業的結合輕易地形成消費者意識上對勤美誠品的認同。在草悟道的整修計畫完成後,此區域的形象更加完整(藝文之心/品味生活),週末或週間,勤美誠品旁的草悟道與市民廣場經常出現大批的人潮聚集,而台中市大型的藝文活動也都在此舉行。然而這樣周圍的風潮,似乎沒有回應在勤美的建築上;設計上借由"櫥窗"的概念增加綠"皮"層(植生牆)的"厚度",由植生牆所界定出的半戶外活動空間伴隨綠意,使人在此區域或憩或遊。本設計思考由城市的活動脈絡,打開原本建築的封閉,保留植生牆面手法所帶給民眾的印象,並探討原本植生牆面的規劃影響,重新提供內部空間有更多綠色層次的空間感受。 In the most of the time, shopping becomes the most in important leisure activity in nowadays. Also the department store becomes the necessarily place when shopping. However, the most important thing that I concern about is how people can feel natural when shopping. CMP Park Lane was located on Calligraphy Greenway. It was a department store that utilizing the vertical garden hang outside it’s surface of building to makes a splendor scene. The proprietor also following the concept of this splendor action from booth recruitments to marketing. The consumer also can conscious of this positive action transferred to recognition with CMP Park Lane easily. After the government accomplishment the project of Calligraphy Greenway, a large amount of people appearance in this area. Also the big activities held on this area. However, the events of the activities did not occur in the building. Facing to this problem, I make use of the “showcase” concept to added the layers of the space. According to the identified semi-outdoor space by vertical garden, it provides people to stay and enjoy this splendor vertical garden. In this project, I bring these activities into the site, rewrite the building facade to the public and analyzed the problem of the original vertical garden wall’s position to provide more natural feeling of the space.