網站、大眾傳播、MP3、電子書等的盛行,改變對著作權的傳統應用方式,唯有通過修法與世界各國立足於數位平台,才是維持加拿大在國際社會的競爭力,同時兼顧創作者與消費者二者之間的利益平衡,鞏固整體經濟的良策,加拿大執政黨於 2010年 6 月,提出「著作權現代化法-- Copyright Modernization Act」的著作權法修正草案,希冀能對保障創作者與消費者,配合世界智慧財產組織中(the World Intellectual Property Organization, 以下簡稱 WIPO)與網路有關的條約,及 1996 年制定的 WIPO 著作權條約(the WIPO Copyright Treaty)與 WIPO 表演及錄音條約the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty)的規範;相較加拿大近 13 年來未曾修正的延宕與落後,我國在同期間內已翻修8 次的著作權法,本文著重於著作人格權,科技保護措施(TPMs)之規範,網路服務提供者「避風港」(safe harbor)之採行等部份,說明對加拿大此次修法與我國之比較分析。本次修正之加拿大著作權法乃希望促進著作權法現代化,因應資訊化時代進而增加加國工作機會,鼓勵研發並吸引更多對加拿大的新投資,而能展望愈來愈更迭快速的數位世界。 The popularity of new technologies such as the MP3 player and digital books have changed the way Canadians create and make use of copyrighted material. In June, 2010, the introduction of legislation to modernize the Copyright Act is Copyright Modernization Act. The bill will give Canadian creators and consumers the tools they need to increase Canada’s international competitiveness and will implement the rights and protections of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Internet treaties. Negotiated in 1996, the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty. It provides clearer rules that will enable all Canadians to fully participate in the digital economy, now and into the future. ROC had improved its Copyright Law by the Legislative Yuan 8 times within 13 years, trying to solve the problems of ending illegal file-sharing over peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms, to discuss the issues of digital technology appearing to pose a threat to copyright holders. Because digital technology eases the reproduction of copyright and facilitates the global distribution of infringing products, the bill will modernize Canadian copyright law for the digital age while protecting and creating jobs, promoting innovation and attracting new investment to Canada.