隨著全球經濟的崛起和電子商務(E-Commerce)的成熟發展,規劃和建置高效率的企業價值鏈儼然成為必要課題。近年來,無線射頻辨識技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)是通訊業界熱門的話題,它不單單是能夠取代最早期的二維條碼技術,更因結合無線通訊技術使得應用領域更加廣泛。由於RFID具有非接觸式的存取功能,資料具加密保護功能,多個電子標籤可同時被讀取,且讀取速度快、不受角度和方向的限制。同時,電子標籤具備體積小、不需電池、價格便宜、抗污性高、耐候性佳等特性,使RFID系統在資訊辨識市場已漸漸成為主流產品,也能充分運用在日常生活。而即時企業(Real-Time Enterprise, RTE) 的目的是藉由「即時」的傳輸技術,來獲取正確的資訊、傳達給適合的人、並在適當的時間。因此,RTE的精神在於能夠自動化串連企業各種資訊應用系統、以及企業內外相關的企業流程,可以提供及時所需的資料與資訊給對應的員工、消費者、供應商與企業其他所有的合作夥伴。而運用RFID技術將是達成上述RTE目標的最佳途徑與工具。以往許多研究探討RFID導入成功關鍵因素,但甚少研究指出其與使用者心理層面之關聯性,因此,本研究將以「認知價值」、「認知風險」兩大心理構面為出發點,整合Davis (1986)所提出的科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM),去探討使用態度;另外,本研究也提出「使用經驗」構面,並整合DeLone & McLean (2003)的資訊系統成功模式(Informational System Success Model, ISSM),去探討使用者滿意度;最終,再以使用態度與使用者滿意度去探討使用者的使用意向。因此,本研究將從即時企業的觀點,發展與驗證一個以價值為核心的科技接受模式,去探討使用者對於RFID系統的接受行為,冀望能提供給產、學界具有實務與參考價值的模型與分析結果。 With the rise of global economic and e-commerce (EC), the planning and deployment of efficient inter-organizational for value chain processes has became importance. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is evaluated to be one of the greatest technological innovations in the twenty-first century. In the past few years, RFID technology has led to much hope and optimism. The mainstream press hails RFID as the avant-garde in technology and business. The goal of Real-Time Enterprise (RTE) is obtaining the right information to the right person at the right time with “real time” technology. Empowering the RTE should bring about quick and correct decisions, and enhanced agility and adaptability. In fact, the RFID technology would be helpful for companies to learn, evolve, and achieve the RTE capability. Hence, we attempt to investigate the successful critical factors for RFID systems or devices in RTE environment. In addition, we also want to understand the direct and indirect effects to influence the users’ intention to use RFID systems or devices. Therefore, we will propose the suitable research model to investigate the relationship between RFID systems with users’ intention to use based on RTE perspective. Whether or not traditional IS success models can be extended to assessing the success of RFID systems is rarely addressed. Based on the Davis (1986) conceptual model of technology acceptance and DeLone and McLean’s (2003) conceptual model of IS success. This research will address issues for a successful RFID system implementation by means of the conceptualization and empirical measurement of our proposed model. Therefore, this research wills integrate Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Informational System Success Model (ISSM) as a foundation for exploring user RFID use intention to create a causal relational model for determining the likelihood of successful integration of RFID in RTE environment. We hope the research contributions could provide related industries to consider the issues of RFID technology can deliver upon the promise of business performance.