本研究旨在探討「說故事搭配共同閱讀」和「單字教學搭配共同閱讀」兩種不同教學法對初學英語孩童的成效。為了瞭解其中差異,研究者觀察並比較參與者在接受「說故事搭配共同閱讀」和「單字教學搭配共同閱讀」兩種教學法後之前測與後測。本研究所使用的資料蒐集工具包括四本故事書,兩種教學法之教案,上課實況錄影帶,以及前測與接受兩種教學法後之後測。二十四位就讀南投偏遠地區的孩童(包括十位男生,十四位女生)參與為期九星期的研究。研究開始前,所有參與者均接受前測。前測有兩個目的,一是鎖定教學的目標單字,二是藉此將參與者分成A、B兩班。每一本書都有十個目標單字。第一種教學法「說故事搭配共同閱讀」一開始以說故事的方式呈現,搭配共同閱讀緊接在後。既不事先呈現也不教授目標單字。第二種教學法「單字教學搭配共同閱讀」在一開始即先教授目標單字,之後才進行搭配共同閱讀。所得資料以相依樣本t考驗以及獨立樣本t考驗分析,所有統計顯著測試的顯著水準α值低於0.05。本研究最主要的發現:第一,「單字教學搭配共同閱讀」和「說故事搭配共同閱讀」都能增加英語初學者的單字學習成長。第二,「單字教學搭配共同閱讀」比「說故事搭配共同閱讀」更能增加英語初學者的單字學習成長。第三,「單字教學搭配共同閱讀」更能幫助原本低成就的英語初學者。未來研究可針對增長教學時數和探討結合說故事及單字教學搭配共同閱讀是否更能增加英語初學者的單字學習成長。關鍵字: 刻意單字教學、非刻意單字教學、共同閱讀、英語初學者 This study was developed and implemented in an elementary school in Nantou to assess whether different instructional treatments would enhance vocabulary gain. The program uses two approaches to provide vocabulary development: (1) shared reading with storytelling, and (2) shared reading with explicit vocabulary instruction. A mixed class of 24 elementary school students from grade 4 to grade 6 (including 10 boys and 14 girls) were invited to participate throughout the 9-week implementation period. Participants’ pre and posttests before and after incorporating the storytelling and explicit vocabulary instruction in a storybook shared reading program were administered and analyzed. Results from the t tests indicate that the both shared reading with storytelling as well as shared reading with explicit vocabulary instruction cultivate participants’ vocabulary growth. It was also found that shared reading with explicit vocabulary instruction better enhanced participants’ vocabulary gain than shared reading with storytelling did. Moreover, shared reading with explicit vocabulary instruction helped novice EFL lower-achievers far more than novice EFL higher-achievers in terms of vocabulary gain. Further research on long-term treatment effects and on the possible positive effect of a new treatment termed shared reading with combined storytelling and explicit vocabulary instruction is recommended.Key Words: explicit vocabulary instruction, incidental vocabulary learning, shared reading, novice EFL learners