隨著時代變遷,工業革命發展至巔峰後,人類不斷對於科技、生活物品追求好與更好的同時,部分的團體憂心於人類未來生存空間的擴展導致自然的消失,訴求環境改善、保護等的行動,追求人與自然和諧共處,綠色設計也逐步興起。其中的生態植栽設計,尋求自然與人的平衡以及新形態的和平共存,從最初的園林造景,進而引至建築空間,而至工業設計產品,將自然生態與人的生活做出更緊密的關聯性結合。人們透過工業設計產品,使用自然生態本身的能力提高人的生活環境品質,或讓人在生活壓力能有個與自然互動的去處,或讓居民透過產品自行耕作,過著自給自足的生活,以減少因應人的生活需求所造成的環境汙染,亦或透過植栽設計之運用進而促進人與人的情感交流。近年來在世界上生態設計被許多工業設計師運用於產品之中,而台灣的綠色主義開始推動後,許多設計師或設計團隊也開始研究與運用生態設計於生活上的可能性與結合性。本研究針對現有的居家與植栽結合的設計產品做出趨勢探討,運用品質機能展開法結合KJ法、德菲法、文字採礦法和描述性統計來探討現今設計師的設計手法結合台灣民眾需求後,歸納出數條可供台灣設計師參考之設計方向。未來設計師在進行將植栽導入居家生活的設計時,(1)可將監控植物生長狀況、澆水等電子系統產品搭配除了運用植物本身及產品造型外的氣氛營造效果。(2)若在運用材質進行設計時,無論在運用何種材質進行產品表現,應同時考慮預販售國家氣候進行特殊工法以延長產品壽命。(3)若產品具與使用者互動或其他功能性,則需多加考量產品的機動性。(4)種植植物所帶來的蚊蟲影響,除了增加種植驅趕蚊蟲的植物種類,也應思考其餘驅趕蚊蟲的方式融入產品之中。 After the Industrial Revolution, Human begin to ask for the better life, the more advanced science and technology. The environmental groups try to protect the environment to avoid the damage form the human activities. They teach people about the sustainable development with the green design. The composing of living space with plants is one part of green design, this idea try to find out a way to protect the nature. The construction industry is the beginning, and then the interior, industrial design is final. Some Designer bring us a better living through the capability of nature: people can take a walk and enjoy the nature, be a farmer and have the food by themselves, meet stranger and talk with eachother, reduce the damage for nature from the requirement of people. Recently some designer in Taiwan begin to design it.This research talk about the trend of the complex of industrial design and plant. First we propose the Quality of Function Method combine the KJ Method, Delphi Method, Text Mining and Descriptive Statistics to study some design methods and the aspiration of people. Second, a proposed method is the KJwith Semantic Differential Techinique to generalize the type of product on the market, then compare with the result of first step to find out what’s the different between them.We make some conclusions as fellows: (1) designer can think about the product will help us watch the pot growing and creat an atmosphere, (2) the climate of local market impact the life time of product, (3) the flexibility of the products which is interactive, and (4) the way to drive bugs away.