雖然學習動機在語言學習的研究裡已被廣泛地視為學習的重要一環,但對於影響學習動機的環境顯要因素卻缺乏更深入的觀察研究探討,尤其對於大學生的外語寫作學習動機的研究更是相對少數。因此,此研究探討環境因素對於大學生第二外語寫作學習動機的影響,研究結果也期望能對於外語學習動機與環境的影響的學術研究付出些微的貢獻。此個案研究主要採質性研究方法,觀察環境因素對於學習者動機的影響,研究對象為兩位台灣私立大學外國語文學系之大二學生,兩位學生於研究者收集資料期間位於同一個英文寫作班求學。研究的資料來源包含針對兩位學生進行的一對一訪談的錄音檔、課堂期間觀察、寫作課老師與學生的個別會談、學生寫作作業樣本。而此些資料將用於進一步的資料分析,達到理解環境對於學生學習動機影響的目的。訪談的主要目的在於了解學生對於學習環境的真實的想法與感受以及如何培養個人的學習動機以達成學習的成果,其他資料則提供驗證受訪者口頭回應的真實性與提供進一步的訪談方向與結果分析。 Although the importance of motivation research in the field of language learning has been widely confirmed, not many looked into classroom contextual factors that may affect the salient increase/decrease of English as a foreign language (EFL) college students’ motivation for learning L2 academic writing. To bring to researchers and language learners a better understanding of EFL college students’ L2 academic writing motivation, this study investigates the contextual factors that affect the participants’ learning motivation. This case study investigated how the classroom environmental factors affected learners’ motivation for learning L2 writing by applying multiple qualitative research instruments. Two EFL college students volunteered to be research participants: Both of them majored in English and were taking college English composition class during the course of study. The data were collected using the following data collection techniques: semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, teacher-student writing conferences, and the participants’ writing samples. The researcher of the study used these data to analyze the following themes: first, the participants’ personal orientation (a set of goals or interests which influence one’s motivational intensity) towards the learning of L2 writing; second, the contextual factors that affect the participants’ L2 writing motivation in the composition classes. These themes will help language teachers and researchers to better understand how learners construct their motivation and their attitudes towards the learning situation.