當抽象的設計概念轉化成具體產品時,總是會存在某種程度的落差,如何確認設計概念是否適切的轉換傳達?解決方法之一就是透過發展早期的原型測試檢討。利用使用後評估法(Post-Occupancy Evaluation,簡稱POE)導入個案中學生的設計原型反覆實施評估,將設計概念與實際表現間的落差檢診出來並給予建議,以了解將POE導入產品設計,應用在產品原型反覆的評價、修正過程是否能顯著縮短設計師想法與受測者認知差異為研究重心。 結果發現產品原型POE的校內最終評估結果與校外新一代展的評估結果無顯著差異,如生產前的評估般,能預測產品上市後被客戶接受的情況;但作品間無顯著較佳的表現,即使未採用POE的對照組作品表現也沒比較差。由於研究過程並無法限制設計者欲設計的品項,使得有診斷結果與之後發展出的設計並不相干的情況,建議後續研究若能先設定好固定品項等控制措施,將更有助釐清其效能。個案中另發現設計者在設計展開到收斂過程並非依循固定的設計流程或模式,而是由一個共同的特性來收斂,之後使品項皆帶有相似的特質,此過程中似乎隱含有渾沌現象,建議可採紮根理論方法直接進入學生設計活動的田野作觀察,期能自此領域萌生出概念和理論。 There are always discrepancies when abstract design concepts are transferred to solid products. How to make sure that design concept exactly conveyed via product? To develop the early stage prototypes for testing and survey is one of the solutions. The research applies POE (Post-Occupancy Evaluation) on prototypes of students’ design cases repeatedly. Thus, differentiations between design concepts and real products can be examined to know whether it can be significant to shorten the gap between designers and users. The result revealed that product prototype POE can anticipate the performances of products in final evaluation as an evaluation can predict post-production consumer reception. In addition, there is no significant outstanding design outcome between these cases. It implies that design outcome is not related to implementations of product prototype POE. Moreover, the POE diagnoses are as often as not consists with consequent designs due to ill-defined of designed items. It suggests that performances of product prototype POE would be clarified if extraneous variables under a strict control in advance. Furthermore, it was found that process of conceptual design deployment and its’ convergence was not adhere to some procedures or modes but to converge by a same intrinsic. Two cases show chaos phenomenon, to probe into the field of students’ design activities with grounded theory might help to unearthing some discovery.