Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討臺中市小型國民小學綜合活動學習領域課程實施之現況。綜合活動學習領域課程是教育部在2003年頒佈的課程,目的在使學習者透過實踐、省思與體驗的心智及行為運作活動,建構、內化意義與培養利他情懷,提升學生發展自我、經營生活、環境與自我保護及參與社會的生活實踐能力。但由於近年來因少子化和都市化嚴重,許多學校招生人數下降。學生人數減少,也連帶影響到課程的實施。相較於其他學科領域,綜合活動學習領域課程相關研究本就不多,且在相關研究中,對小型國民小學實施現況的調查又更少。 本研究採用個案研究法,以臺中市十位小型國民小學任教綜合活動學習領域的授課教師為研究對象。研究者自課程理論與綜合活動領域課程大綱歸納出綜合活動領域教師關鍵能力,並結合課程發展與設計理論,發展訪談大綱。透過半結構式訪談,並輔以相關資料的蒐集。本研究有以下發現:大部分研究參與者對綜合活動學習領域2008年微調後的課綱內容不瞭解。授課教師大多可以自行決定授課教材,或是自編教材。但自編教材的認可在行政流程上較繁複,因此受訪學校目前教材以坊間教科書為主。綜合活動領域課程多由學校行政主導規劃。大部分研究參與者認同綜合活動學習領域的設置及微調後課綱。另外,小型學校因教師編制少,欠缺完善的課程規畫歷程,且多數老師要兼任行政工作,常無暇備課及自編教材,協同教學整合亦困難。受訪各校普遍因學生人數少,所有活動皆需全校師生參與。又因學校需要發展特色課程做學校行銷,導致綜合活動課程時間常被學校活動所挪用。本研究依據研究發現,對綜合活動學習領域授課教師、學校和教育主管機關及未來研究提出建議。 The purpose of this study was to understand the implementation of Integrative Activities Curriculum (IAC) at small elementary schools in Taichung City. The curriculum of Integrative Activities was initiated at 2003, and was then revised at 2008, purposed to help students experience and reflect on the mental and physical activities designed to cultivate and promote their altruistic mindset, self-development, self-protection, activeness in participating in the society. However, due to the declining of birth rate and urbanization, the number of students in elementary schools keeps shrinking, which leads to the ineffective implementation of the IAC. Comparing with other curricula such as language art, math, or science, the studies of the IAC are much fewer in number. Also, most relevant studies of the IAC were conducted quantitatively. It is essential, therefore, to understand how the IAC has been implemented in elementary schools, especially in small elementary schools, after the revision of curriculum guidelines in 2008.Case studies were used in this study. Ten incumbent IAC teachers were interviewed comprehensively from the perspective of teachers’ key performance indicators developed by the author. The findings of this research include: (1) most of the interviewees were not familiar with the curriculum guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education; (2) interviewees would like to develop the course materials but were restricted by the administration policies, instead, they adopted the textbooks on the market; (3) the IAC was mostly led by the school administration, not teachers; and (4) most small elementary schools suffered from inadequate human resources, the implementation of the IAC was generally ignored. Suggestions for improving the implementation of IAC and future research were provided at the end of this study.Keywords: small elementary schools, integrative activities, curriculum |