隨著醫療科技的進步,全球人口平均壽命提升,導致各種慢性疾病的發生率也跟著提高,其中失智症是老人常見問題之一,會使老人在生活、身體健康以及情緒造成巨大影響,同時也會失去生活自理能力,出門後不認得路回家,造成本身、照顧者以及社會許多的困擾及負擔。然而市面上所提供的數種協尋解決方案,都確有改善以及建議空間。本研究提出基於Bluetooth 4.0為基礎的iBeacon,發展建構出一套系統平台,來藉此解決感測距離、耗電量以及隱私權問題。除此之外,在無線感測轉換距離上,本論文也提出使用高斯濾波(Gaussian filter)以及分群方式,提供不同接收訊號強度指示法(Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI)值對應不同路徑損耗指數(Path Loss Exponent),藉此提升距離換算以及定位的精準度。 With advances in technology, the incidence of chronic disease is increasing as the global life expectancy is rising. Dementia is one of the common diseases in the elderly. This illness usually leads to great impact in their life, body health, sentiments and eventually cause them to lose self-care abilities. Those patients may not recognize the way home that becomes a huge problem and burden to themselves, the caretakers and society. However, there’s indeed room for improvement and suggestion of the investigation programs nowadays. Therefore, this thesis aims at providing a system platform which is based on iBeacon technology that is using the Bluetooth 4.0 to solve problems of detecting distance, power consumption and privacy protection. In addition, about the problem of converted distance of wireless detect, we propose a solution by using Gaussian filter and clustering, to provide the different values of RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator) determined for the different values of Path Loss Exponent, which to promote precision of range conversion and orientation.