主題樂園是提供娛樂的一種休閒活動場域,同時也具有激發想像與創意的特質,讓沈浸其中的遊客脫離現實生活並忽略時間的流逝。遊客造訪主題樂園的原因包含娛樂追求、撥空與他人相處、放鬆心情…等等。過去研究主題樂園的學者多以動機、忠誠度以及遊客滿意度為研究主軸,因此本研究以較少被探討的設施規劃、遊玩動機、體驗價值之關聯為研究目的,並提出具體改善設施及環境氣氛之建議予業者,企圖能誘發遊客「需要性消費」,進而刺激主題樂園之入園人次及收益。本研究以麗寶樂園的遊客為施測對象,研究結果除顯示遊玩動機會正向影響體驗價值,設施規劃在遊玩動機及體驗價值間亦扮演中介變項的角色。因此,主題樂園的經營者除了應著重並投資設施、動線相關之更新與維護,同時,同伴對遊玩動機及體驗價值具有顯著調節效果,因此規劃以小群體為對象之行銷企劃,可激發遊客遊玩意願並提升體驗價值,達到分眾行銷的目的。 While visitors go to theme parks for various purposes such as having fun, spending time with others, and switching off…etc., previous researches have focused on visiting motivation, loyalty and customers’ satisfaction. The influence of less investigated factor such as physical attraction facilities was explored in this study for its mediation role on therelationship between motivation and experiential value in the extent of theme park visiting. The motivation of theme park visit positively influenced the experiential value; furthermore, the attraction planning partially mediated the relationship between the motivation and experiential value. Therefore, the practitioners of theme parks in Taiwan should spend more effort and resources in planning and renovating their entertainment facilities. In addition, companions were recognized as asignificant moderator for theme park experiential value, which warrant further attention for marketing segmentation.