在組織性自我免疫的疾病中,HEp-2細胞的間接性螢光切片檢查,廣泛地被用於檢測抗核抗體(antinuclear autoantibody, ANA)的存在性。抗核抗體主要的用途是能夠掃描出大範圍的抗體存在與否,而且ANA的類型是可以用螢光性的樣本清楚地描述出來。這些螢光性的樣本,必須經常由醫師在親自觀察切片的同時,藉由顯微鏡的幫助下,才能有客觀及詳盡的定義。然而,就是因為缺乏自動化的檢驗流程及標準化的作業程序,才會讓這樣的檢驗過程,仍然需要在專業且具有相當經驗的醫師或技術人員的指導下,才能獲得精確的診斷結果。因此在這樣的環境下,本論文提出了可以在間接性螢光切片的影像中,自動化檢測出螢光性樣本的系統,希望能用來協助醫師,即使在沒有專業技師協助操作之下,也能有相當正確的評斷結果。由於近幾年ANA的使用愈來愈普及的情況下,這樣的一個功能完善且自動化的檢驗系統,是不可或缺的,在臨床醫學的應用上,相信此系統的需求性,將會與日劇增。 Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) with HEp-2 cells is used for the detection of antinuclear autoantibodies (ANA) in systemic autoimmune diseases. The ANA testing allows to scan a broad range of autoantibody entities and to describe them by distinct fluorescence patterns. The fluorescence patterns are usually identified by physician manual inspecting the slides with the help of a microscope. However, due to lacking in satisfied automation of inspection and a low level of standardization, this procedure still needs highly specialized and experienced technician or physician to obtain diagnostic result. For this purpose, automatic inspection for fluorescence patterns in IIF image may assist physicians, without relevant experience, in making correct diagnosis. As ANA testing becomes more widespread used, a functional automatic inspection system is essential and its clinical application is becoming urgent.