肝病是台灣的國病。肝癌長年居男性十大死因的第一名。而肝癌多是由慢性肝炎,肝硬化而來。慢性B型肝炎病毒及慢性C型肝炎病毒感染是造成台灣地區慢性肝炎,肝硬化及肝癌的兩大主因。從過去的研究顯示,在臺灣,一般成人C型肝炎抗體陽性率估計約為4%-5%,而南台灣為C型肝炎的高盛行區,多認為中台灣為低盛行率的地區,但筆者服務於台中海線地區,其就醫的族群來自台中及苗栗附近鄉鎮,利用醫院全民健檢的資料,作地區性C型肝炎的分析,從而了解C型肝炎在中部海線地區的盛行率,及相關的生化表現,進一步作為地區全面篩檢的參考。本研究是利用醫院為樣本來源所做的描述性研究,研究對象是以於西元2013年6月至2014年10月曾經到光田綜合醫院(包含沙鹿總院及大甲分院)作成人健康檢查的民眾為樣本,共781位民眾的肝炎感染資料納入本次研究。C 型肝炎抗體陽性率在13%左右,顯示台中海線地區的C型肝炎盛行率高出台中都會區甚多。C型肝炎和總膽固醇,低密度膽固醇,高密度膽固醇,等共病因子無明顯相關,且和抽菸,喝酒等生活習慣無明顯相關,但C型肝炎陽性的病人,三酸甘油酯及飯前血糖正常者的比例較高,在統計學上有顯著意義。 Hepatic disease is common disease in Taiwan. Hepatoma is the first male death cause for a long time. Hepatoma often come from chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C were the two major causes of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatoma . From the past of research displayed, in Taiwan, hepatitis C antibody positive rate estimated about for 4%-5% in general adults, and Southern Taiwan for hepatitis C of high prevalent district, low prevalence rate in the central Taiwan. But the author was on the service of Taichung coastal area, and the patients come from Township near Taichung and Miaoli. This study, we will use hospital universal healthy examination data, for regional hepatitis C analysis, to understand hepatitis C prevalence rate in Taichung coastal area, and the related of biochemical performance, for further survey of full screen.This study was based on hospital samples from the descriptive study. Subjects were enrolled from June 2013 to October 2014 and who had visiting Kuang-Tien General Hospital (including Shalu Institute and Dajia Branch). And the people for adult health examination, a total of 781 people’s hepatitis infection data were included in this study. Hepatitis C antibody positive rate is about 13%, and displayed hepatitis C prevalence rate in Taichung coastal area was much higher than urban area. Hepatitis C and these relative comorbidities such as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol, were not obviously relevant. And smoking and drinking habits also had no significant correlation. But hepatitis C positive patients, were statistically significant correlation with high percentage of normal triglycerides and blood glucose before meals.