保險業在一國金融體系中的作用和地位日益受到國人重視,保險業作為金融業的重要一環,牽動著背後上萬保單持有人的生活,其破產甚至可能產生威脅一國經濟之系統性風險,因此各國對保險公司退出機制的制定均慎之又慎。然而大到不能倒亦是不能容許的,優勝劣汰是市場經濟的必然規律,各國保險業亦不乏因承保業務之惡性競爭、資金運用不當而發生失卻清償能力,面臨破產倒閉的實際個案。2016年是中國保險業復業的第37年。中國保險業有多家保險公司進入退場程序,但時至今日並沒有一家保險公司真正退出市場。中國相關法學研究匱乏,撰寫本文之目的,在於通過比較各國立法例,探求較為合理的人壽保險公司退場機制並討論中國大陸目前的退場機制妥適性。這是深入研究保險公司退場機制已經成為立法和監管改革的重要方向,是直接關係保險市場健康穩定發展的重要問題。本文綜合各國現行保險公司退場機制,並提出自己的看法,期能對中國保險公司退場相關法制有所助益。 The role and position of the insurance industry in a country's financial system has been paid more attention than before. The insurance industry as an important part of the financial sector, affects thousands behinds the policy holder's life, the bankruptcy may even cause threat to the country economic system .So the legislators in every countries rule their insurance company exit mechanism with much caution. However ,too big to fail is also not permitted, the survival of the fittest is the inevitable law of the market economy, insurance industry all over the world also quit because of business of vicious competition, the use of funds improper. 2016 is the thirty-seventh years of Chinese insurance resumption. There are numbers of insurance companies enter exit program, but until today there are not an insurance company truly out of the market.In China, related legal research is rare, by comparing the legislation of different countries, and to explore the more reasonable life insurance company exit mechanism for China ,is my article’s purpose.The study of company insurance exit mechanism has become an important direction of the legislative and regulatory reform.It is an important issue for the healthy and stable development of the life insurance market. This paper focuses on the analysis of exit mechanism of executive power and judicial power to help compensate for domestic insurance companies exit mechanism based on the theory of deficiency. This paper focus on the current insurance company exit mechanism, and put forward myself views.I wish it can help to improve legal system of insurance companies exit in China.