北投,在1997年溫泉博物館成立後重新再起後,地方文化資產的維護與觀光產業的發展成為北投重建的主要兩項發展元素。北投因兩項元素的重建產生兩種意象,分別為環境生活博物園區與溫泉觀光產業文化,更進而產生地方認同感,從原本風化區時期的否認與消極轉而認同自己的生長環境。本論文主要為研究北投新意象與在地認同感之間的關係緊密程度。本論文將從北投1997年重建後最具代表性的四大事件看北投的發展與地方行動者間的互動關係,地方行動者則分為(1)政府;(2)地方發展文化協會;(3)在地居民及(4)財團。四大事件分別為(1)1997年的溫泉博物館重建;(2)2001年溫泉季的產生;(3)1989年的北投纜車反對;(4)2014年的新北投火車站回歸。四大事件中行動者皆因認同北投不同而有著不一樣的立場;而共同的目標皆為促進北投持續前進,發展成臺北市最具特色的區域。在認同感的研究部分,筆者以「北投人」來看地方的認同感與北投意象間的關係。研究結果顯示,北投的重建確實有助於地方認同感的增加,也讓更多人願意去關心並參與地方發展,而「北投人」在目前的研究中雖然仍以地域性的概念為主,但在問卷及訪談的調查中也包含了對北投的認同與感到光榮的成分。 Beitou is renewed after Hot Spring Museum was founded in 1997, the protection of local cultural heritage and the development of touristic industry are the two main elements of Beitou’s reconstruction. Because of these two elements, Beitou`s reconstruction produces two images: the ecological park of life and environment, as well as the culture of touristic industry of hot spring, which also bring the local identity, turning the residents’ negative attitude from denying the red-light district to acknowledge their own local environment. The main of this research is the relation between Beitou’s new image and local identity of its residents. This research plans to see the relation between Beitou’s development and its local actors who can be divided into four categories after Beitou`s reconstruction dated from 1997: (1) government;(2) the development of local cultural associations; (3) local residents and (4) financial group or foundation. The four important events during the local reconstruction are as follow : (1) the Hot Springs Museum was rebuilt in 1997; (2) the festival of hot spring season was created in 2001; (3) the opposition to the project of building the Beitou cable car in 1989 and (4) the new Beitou station was returned in 2014. Because of the different identities, the actors have different positions; but their common target is to promote the advancement of Beitou’s local development, and to make it the most characteristic area in Taipei.As to the question of residents’ identity, the relation of local identity and image of Beitou of “the residents of Beitou” is going to be studied. The result of this research shows that Beitou`s local reconstruction has made increase of local identity of its residents, and also allow more and more people to care about their own environment, and willing to participate in local development. Although the meaning of “Beitou Jen ” (Betou’s residents ,北投人) is in a territorial sense in this study, the questions of the residents’ recognition and their sense of honor to Beitou will also be dealt with in this research.