Abstract: | 「考古遺址」為文化資產中很重要的一部分,一般它包含史前考古與歷史考古兩種遺址。尊重廣泛的文化及多樣性的考古遺址,明白考古遺址所處的自然、人文環境都是屬於”連動”的狀態,需透過妥善的保存管理維護再利用及展示,才能讓大眾瞭解其普世價值。本論文研究重點:透過拓展視野結合跨領域知識,討論兩種遺址各種保存展示方式,其中特別看重為「現址保存」。本論文研究對象包含台灣五處史前考古遺址、大陸四處史前考古遺址、大陸三處歷史考古遺址。以「世界文化遺產」中所講求的「原真性」及「完整性」為基本理念,檢視兩岸地區以考古遺址保存展示之機構(博物館、公園)其建築空間與整體環境規劃設計。採取之研究方法為1.實地參訪2.文獻資料蒐集研究3.多個案比較研究。探討各類型考古遺址保存方式及其優缺點、相異性,同時檢討台灣「考古遺址」現地保存方式等問題,提出未來考古遺址現地保存方式,合宜且可能之建議。研究發現1.考古遺址與其社會文化環境,需同時受到適當的保存與管理,才能確保考古遺址的價值與永續利用。2.出土文物脫離原出土環境,異地進入博物館保存展示之方式,較難帶給參觀者真實性及完整性之感受。3.大陸考古遺址自1958年半坡遺址博物館建立後,已開始有考古遺址「現地保存」之觀念。反觀台灣少有此類型大尺度的考古遺址博物館類型。主因為地少人稠,許多考古遺址因土地開發與經濟考量。常經搶救考古作業階段性完成後,將挖掘出土之文物另覓他處興建博物館保存與展示。唯有卑南文化公園,是一個包含遺址現地保存展示、原住民風貌及自然景觀的公園。本論文結論,依世界文化遺產「原真性」與「完整性」討論,需尊重多樣性的考古遺址及文化,探索與考古遺址共構的新思維,建議可將考古遺址範圍規劃為開放性公共空間,透過國際合作和跨領域的方式,取得較適宜及合理的保存維護方式,以減緩及降低對考古遺址的破壞,並讓社區主動且積極參與考古遺址的保存維護,成為永續利用之方式。 Archaeological sites, both prehistoric and historical, are of paramount importance to cultural capital and heritage. Their oecumenical values are retained only by respecting the diverse cultural origins, understanding the dynamics of their context, and implementing proper procedures for conservation and exhibition. This thesis discusses different methods of archaeological site conservation and exhibition, focusing on on-site conservation, through a widened perspective integrating interdisciplinary knowledge. This thesis covers five prehistoric archaeological sites in Taiwan, four prehistoric sites and three historic sites in China. With authenticity and integrity in mind, this thesis examines the architectural environment of facilities, such as museums and parks, dedicated to archaeological site conservation and exhibition in both Taiwan and China. The research methodology includes: 1) site visits 2) data collection and research, and 3) comparative case study. The thesis proceeds to discuss and evaluate existing methods of conservation, conservation practices in Taiwan, and propose suitable methods for the future. Research reveals that 1) an archaeological site should be conserved and managed along with its sociocultural context 2) relics transferred off-site into museums for preservation and exhibition prove harder to convey authenticity and integrity, and 3) Chinese efforts in on-site conservation began taking root after the Xi’an Banpo Museum was established in 1958. Meanwhile, there are few archaeological site museums of the same size and scope in Taiwan. Due to a relatively small territory and population, along with land development and economic considerations, new museums are often established to house relics that had been moved out of excavation sites. Peinan Cultural Park, where the exhibition facility was designed to incorporate the excavation site and its indigenous context, is an exception. In conclusion, this thesis recommends development of archaeological sites into open public spaces with accordance to world heritage standards of authenticity and integrity, with respect to cultural origins and diverse site characteristics, and with intent to integrate the site into its present context. Through international and interdisciplinary collaborations, appropriate conservation procedures can be ensured to prevent damages to the excavation while simultaneously encouraging community participation in the sustainable development of a shared archaeological heritage. |