Abstract: | 近代不論從事國際關係研究、區域整合、兩岸關係研究或比較政治研究的學者們,如果忽略中國大陸的因素,就等於違背中國大陸崛起的事實。換言之,冷戰落幕,國際政治與理論分化重組,如何建構中國大陸崛起,以及轉變中的中國大陸外交政策與其自我定位建構,皆已成為進入21世紀國際關係研究領域的主流。據此事實與主流,本文研究動機或環境背景,主要來自於中國因素下的三個面向,一是大國崛起的影響力轉移;二是中國大陸是否能取代美國;三是兩岸關係的進展變化。 本文的研究目的與問題,包括:一、理解中國大陸崛起的內部因素的目標上,造成中國大陸崛起的國內因素是什麼?二、探究中國大陸經貿策略的外部因素上,促成中國大陸對外影響轉變的外部因素是什麼?三、在欲進一步理解兩岸關係的細緻變化上,什麼是造成兩岸關係變化背後的實質原因?為了理解上述的研究目的與問題,本文嘗試以新古典現實主義做為研究途徑。 最後,本文歸納出以下主要的研究發現與貢獻:一、整合新古典現實主義的概念與變項,形成一種中國大陸對臺經貿政策的綜合性分析類型,並跳脫單向的理論途徑,提出一種雙向互動的理論架構,做為一種新的架構途徑;二、中國大陸政治精英階層的轉變與提升,造就胡錦濤時期領導階層的專業背景;三、從中國大陸對外不同區域的經貿政策看,發現由於經濟已為中國大陸發展的關鍵因素,此外,蘇聯垮臺後中國已成為美國在國際社會影響力最主要的挑戰者;四、在兩岸間的經貿發展與關聯性上,政治與經濟互為主客體,中國大陸與臺灣關係朝「促進兩岸經貿交流」的方向發展,然而,其目的是在「以經促統」或「以經為政」;五、中國大陸胡錦濤時期對臺經貿政策的結果,係以「有利」、「停利」為主,而尚未出現「不利或有害」的對臺經貿政策。 Recently, researchers who study whether in international relations, regional integrations, Cross Strait relations, or comparative politics will never neglect the China factor, because it shows a fact that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been rising. In other words, after the Cold War, the theory constructing of international politics, the narrating of China rising, the changing foreign policy of PRC, and the position constructing of PRC become the main trends in area of international relations studying while into the 21th century. According the fact and trend, this dissertation includes the following three research motivations of China factors: 1. the power transition of great powers rising, 2. the question of PRC replacing USA, and 3. the development and change of Cross Strait relations. By using the framework of neoclassical realism, this dissertation tries to answer the following three questions: 1. Regarding the China rising, what are reasons for the rise of China? 2. Considering the foreign policy of PRC, what are external reasons for PRC making different foreign policies? 3. In order to further understand Cross Strait relations, what are real reasons for the changing Cross Strait relations? Finally, the research findings and contributions of this dissertation include the following items: 1. Integrating the concepts and variables, we provide a comprehensive and interactive theory type to analyze PRC’s economic and trade policy to Taiwan. 2. Because the PRC’s political elite class is progressive, Hu Jintao’s leadership class will be more professional. 3. Regarding the PRC’s foreign policy in different region, the key elements of PRC’s development are economics and trades and instead of Russia, PRC become a primary challenger to USA in the world after the Soviet Union collapse. 4. Regarding Cross Strait relations, politics and economics are inter-subjective. Although the trend of Cross Strait relations would promote economic and trade development, the PRC’s purposes are political unification through economic tactics. 5. Regarding Hu Jintao’s economic and trade policies to Taiwan, the outcome of the policies are advantaged and non-advantaged, instead of disadvantageous or harmful. |