一直以來都覺得創作是一種與人、或是與自己對話的方式,不論是繪畫或是文字。兩種創作方式對我來說,都是不可或缺的。所以我嘗試以這本論文來記錄、講述,在創作中,在生命裡,那些也許短暫、也許永恆的事件。 除了蒐集、整理、閱讀許多書籍篇章,從中汲取,使之成為論述與驗證之外,我認為處在感性狀態下的文字,也能等同呈現自身作品,所以另選擇了散文形式來詮釋,宛如自傳般的文字寫就。 章節裡較感性的文字,是從一些散落在筆記本,或是塗鴉,或是草圖中的文句擷取。將這些文句當成文本,昇華成一篇篇的文章,道出自我創作過程中的每一部分。這種散文小品與隨筆是從中學以來都有在進行的書寫方式,年少時的強說愁,與現今面臨的狀態不是那麼一致,重新閱讀,再次書寫,加以潤飾,得到不同的感觸。 創作與書寫的並行,學理之研究與感性文字的平行交織,對自己的確有些難以進行的挫折,但不管何時,人的意識總是由內心的感性與理性交織。由閱讀研究文本釐清自己觀點與事件, 由感性的書寫幫助自己記錄各種思緒感受,也能更加深入在自我創作之中。 It has been a long time to feel that creation is the way to communicate between people and inner space . No matter drawing or writing words , for me , both of them are indispensable . So I try to use this essay to record and express , about those moment or maybe something eternal . Except collecting information of those chaptors in books , I learn many things from those classics , and how to verificate . I think we can express our inner views by words and we need to be in perceptual situation . So I also use prose to express myself . This touching words in my chapter is collected from many places like notebooks , graffiti and sketches . Use those sentences to create beautiful article. It presents all my thoughts and creativity . I use proses and notes since I am a junior high . Now the feeling is different from teenager , I need to restart all of reading and writing and having more different experience . Creating and writing , researching and touching words , all of them work together has been a tough time to me . But our human being can always conbine perceptual and rationality together . Reading can help us clarify our mind , writing can help us to record all of our thoughts and feeling make us more proceed to myself and my creation .