Abstract: | 光學鏡頭產業在臺灣的發展非常蓬勃,但隨著各類型的光學應用產品需求不斷更新,各廠間的競爭亦非常激烈。本研究以臺灣光學鏡頭上游廠商 - C公司為例,從全球視野、創新思維及顧客價值主張的角度出發,輔以產業特性、競爭對手及政府政策的分析,對於臺灣光學鏡頭廠商如何選擇適當的產品轉型、提升核心競爭力以及擴展市場白地所需的轉型四格要素等,進行深入的探討,並提出具體策略。 本研究結果呈現三個部分。第一、C公司應積極布局非相機領域光學鏡頭市場,並鎖定處於成長期,需求量大的高端主流產品,包括「車用」及「安控」產品。第二、在提升核心競爭力的策略方面,C公司對內應強化運用資訊科技於研發、行銷及生產管理,創新核心技術及製程,逐步邁向工業4.0時代,以減少各項成本支出並拉升產品精密度;對外則與中、日兩國合作並積極找尋國內合作夥伴,進行策略聯盟;最後,採用新市場的破壞式創新,爭取尚未消費的顧客。第三、以C公司而言,其最重要的轉型四格要素為:顧客價值主張:提供並滿足車用及安控等高階鏡頭的需求;利潤公式:透過寡占市場的產業特性、穩定的日本下游供貨出口以及非球面模造玻璃的規模經濟創造利潤;關鍵資源:包括擁有日本光學鏡頭技術支援、垂直整合之製程能力且為臺廠中唯一通過日系客戶認證的非球面模造玻璃供應商;關鍵流程:包括模造玻璃技術應用、跨入模組化生產以及先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)打進Tier 1供應鏈。 Development of optical lens industry in Taiwan is very prosperous, but the competitions between the plants are also very intense. This study bases on global perspection, innovative thinking and the customer value proposition, analyzing characteristics of the industry, competitors and government policies, and also proposes specific strategies for Taiwan optical lens manufacturers about how to select appropriate products to transit, enhance the core competencies and expand to the “White Space”. There are three key results. First, the C-company should actively layout of the field of non-optical lens camera market, and lock in the high-end mainstream products just as "Car" and "security control" products. Second, in order to enhance the core competency, the C-company should strengthen the Research and Development (R&D), marketing policy and production management, and gradually moving towards industry 4.0 with target of accuracy and efficiency; In the meanwhile, the C-company also should look for the technical cooperation with Japan and China, and at the same time actively seek domestic partners to sign the contract of strategic alliances; and the last, it should uses “disruptive innovation” in new markets so as to earn the new customers. Third, the most important four-box of entering white space for C Company are : customer value proposition, it could meet customers’ requirements by providing high-end lens of security control and automotive industry; profit formula, it could earn profit by oligopolistic markets, stable downstream exporting to Japan, and the economies of scale on aspherical mold made of glass; key resources, including the technology supported by Japanese manufacturers, the capability of vertical integration, and being the only aspherical mold made of glass supplier certified by Japanese customers ; key processes, including molding of glass technology applications, modular production and its ADAS has entered into the Tier 1 supply chain. |