Abstract: | 風水是中華文化中的傳統建築方法,中華文化的觀念注重生活能夠順應天命並與自然共存,藉此達到趨吉避凶、生活順遂。直到今日為止風水不論是在建築考量或是選擇主宅都是重要的衡量因素,但風水的歷史悠久經過不斷演變,現今風水流派與運用眾多複雜。因此,本研究因著風水的複雜性,進而考慮到如何運用基礎的風水概念與相關測量工具,歸納出簡易的風水運用,並且彙整建置模組化。本研究將針對個案進行研究,從風水概念、魯班尺、八卦方位判定等風水方法探討建築建置與設計,本研究以「浴室」、「廚房」、「樓梯」、「窗戶」、「大門」、「房間」、「客廳」、「電梯」、「採光」、「走道」、「牆壁材質」、「居家系統」十二個因素對建築與風水之間的關係進行探討,根據實際研究結果可瞭解到:「浴室」、「廚房」、「大門」、「房間」、「客廳」、「採光」、「走道」對於風水設計較為重要;而「樓梯」、「窗戶」、「電梯」、「牆壁材質」、「居家系統」並非相當重要。接著,仔細探討研究個案後,瞭解到現代風水設計與建築設計之關聯,並且從尋找與歸納風水的實用性,強化其參考價值。因此本研究推論透過風水設計確實可以改善居住環境,並且提升生活機能,使居住者能夠享受更良好的居住生活。最後,該研究結果未來可應用在不同的空間上,例如:公共設施、辦公室,藉由風水設計的運用,改善現今建築的缺失,並且有效發揮其價值。 Feng-Shui is a Chinese traditional construction method, it mainly concern about obeying destiny and living with nature. In addition, purposes of it are to pursue good fortune, avoid disaster and live smoothly. It has been playing as an important role in either architecture or choosing main building. However, Feng-Shui has been modified for years. There are many different divisions in associated with it, and each uses various methods. Thus, this study tends to conclude a simple method based on Feng-Shui fundamental concepts and related measurement tools from the complexity of it. Also, this research would organize and modelize it. This paper would focus on specific case, determining the building construction and design from Feng-Shui concepts, carpenter’s square and the Eight Diagrams. Also, it is targeting on bathroom, kitchen, stair, window, gate, bedroom, living room, elevator, light, walk, and material of wall, discussing the connection between Feng-Shui and architecture from these twelve elements. As the result, bathroom, kitchen, gate, bedroom, living room, light and walk are more important than the rest in Feng-Shui design. By researching on specific cases, we can have better understanding between modern Feng-Shui design and architecture design and in addition to find out and strength the use of Feng-Shui concepts. Thus, this study tends to improve the living surrounding through Feng-Shui concepts, making residents have better environment. Finally, the result of this research can be applied in different spaces including public accommodation and office. With the use of Feng-Shui, the disadvantages of modern building can be improved and unleash its full value. |