本研究是以 Web Engineering 相關理念及文獻,將其實際應用在工作實務層面,並以公司網站為本次研究的對象,依據使用者特性以及相關的網路應用系統技術來進行實作範例。以 Modeling 分析需求、設計規劃,搭配網路線上協作平台應用(Moqups),結合敏捷開發方法(Agile Development) 實作過程,記錄步驟並加以說明。而透過數據統計的表現,確實有達到快速更新網站資訊的效能表現,足以證明透過 Web Engineering 在開發建構網站,對公司網站上的需求溝通及快速上線有著明顯助益。 Related Web Engineering ideas and literatures were practiced to this study. The subjects are web sites of businesses. The characteristics of users, and related network applications system technology are the practice model. The study recorded the steps and instructions of Modeling requirement analysis, design and plan, on-line network collaboration platform (Moqups), and the process of Agile Development. From the statistics data, It truly can speed up the effectiveness of update web site imformation. The study proved that developing the web sites with Web Engineering is very helpful to the communication and fater on-line.