本研究探討婚宴菜單銷售方式與消費者決策之影響,採用選項框架探討兩種選項框架方式(option-framing methods),「刪減不想要的產品選項」 (subtractive option framing,以-OF表示)和「增加想要的產品選項」(adding option framing,以+OF表示)及菜單選擇主軸「食材價值」和「料理數量」。婚宴行銷走向客製化的趨勢下,讓消費者自行決定所需要的商品形式、配置方式和自由取捨的彈性。婚宴行銷專案,菜單是主要的銷售商品。因此,不同的選項框架方式,對於消費者選擇產品的影響就愈顯得重要。本研究採取「受測者間因子實驗設計」(between-subjects factorial design),以選項框架方式 (-OF/+OF)、菜單選擇主軸(食菜價值/料理數量)為獨變項,以消費者的滿意度(選擇過程滿意度/選擇結果滿意度)與購買決策(選購總金額)為依變項。設計出2X2共四種菜單銷售方式的情境,實驗受測者之間的關係;在產品方面,以婚宴專案的中式宴席菜單為產品。經由統計分析,最後結果顯示:-OF比+OF的選項框架方式,得到比較高的購買金額,同時,消費者也不會有較差的心理反應。而菜單選擇主軸的食材價值比料理數量,可得到比較高的購買金額,且消費者的心理反應影響不大。因此,在-OF的選項框架方式與菜單選擇主軸(食材價值)下,業者可得到比較高的獲利,又不影響消費者的滿意度。 This study explores the influence of wedding menu on consumer decision making , employing option-framing and subtractive option framing methodologies. The menu is the primary marketing tool in any restaurant. With wedding banquets following the contemporary trend towards customization, customers are more and more often allowed to determine forms, product arrangements, and particularized dining atmospheres. Therefore, different option-framing methods and pleasant dining atmosphere play an increasingly important role in customers’ purchase-making decisions. This research focuses on menu to investigate two option-framing methods, subtractive option framing ( OF) and added option framing (+OF), and menu selection factors. This research adapts between-subjects factorial design and uses option-framing methods ( OF and +OF), with menu selection factors (value of ingredients and quantity of dishes) as independent variables and consumers’ psychological response (customer satisfaction) and purchase policy (number of choices) as dependant variables. Each experimental scenario has four (2x2) menus for marketing to test their relationship between examinees. In term of products, restaurants offering wedding packages were chosen. Based on statistics, the findings show the following: OF is a better option-framing method than +OF option-framing, resulting in more purchasing with less negative satisfaction. Menu selection factors result in higher expenditures and stronger value given to ingredients over quantity of menu dishes. Therefore, with OF, greater profits to restaurants and less customer negative satisfaction are yielded.