本文研究從過去文獻與市場觀察可知,以Bollinger Bands(布林通道)作為價差合理帶狀區間的參考指標,可尋找到低風險性獲利機會,本研究欲引用布林通道之方法建構買賣交易策略,透過擠壓偵測價格壓縮程度,等待價格區間擴張預期其獲利率與獲利機會結果可能有超額獲利,以此買賣交易策略的績效表現作為未來操作策略的模型。本文研究標的採用臺灣中型100指數之成分股,研究資料為台股指數交易收盤價,研究期間為2012年09月01日起至 2017年9月30日之台灣股價加權指數之日資料,有效資料筆數一萬三千五百筆。本研究採移動平均線(MA)和具有統計基礎的布林通道技術指標,利用價格波動率突破系統操作帶狀寬度(Bandwidth)與布林通道極限指標(Bollinger Percent ,%b)進行價格波段震盪區間之交易策略。由本研究實證結果顯示,布林通道之價格波動率突破系統進對買進持有無充分證據證明突破策略績效高於買進持有績效;運用突破搭配停損之策略顯示有充分證據證明績效高於突破策略績效,表示陷入假突破面臨趨勢反轉時,採取及時停利停損仍有助於投資人紓解困境。 In this paper we analyze the Bollinger Bands (B-Bands) to verify whether Taiwan stocks have the possibility of obtaining abnormal returns. Our samples consist of FTSE TWSE Taiwan Mid-Cap 100 Index. Data from September 1st 2012 to September 30 2017. We use paired sample t-test to compare the effectiveness. In this research, Bollinger Bands are considered as the main tool, coordinating with other technical indicators such as moving average, moving standard deviation to build a variety of stock trading systems. We also uses the squeeze, the bandwidth and extreme indicator of B-Bands to build the Volatility-Breakout Systems.